Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Express your gratitude and love with beautiful Father's Day poems

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun13,2024

Express your gratitude and love with beautiful Father's Day poems

Poems for Father's Day/Collage of Radio MAXIMUM

Father's Day in 2024 will be celebrated by Ukrainians on June 16. On this occasion, Radio MAXIMUM has collected beautiful children's poems dedicated to dads in one material!

Father's Day is a special holiday when we express our love and gratitude to our dads for their care, support and boundless love . This day is a great opportunity to remind our dads how important they are to us and how much we appreciate them. You can do this with the help of poems that we have collected in one material.

Poems for Father's Day

Father's love, Serhiy Rachynets

Daddy's love is like a summer day,
It smells like sweat, bread, aphids…
You won't find it anywhere, –
Well, except on the palms of my mother.
Daddy's love is like source,
Clean, bright: I drink – and I don't get drunk.
There has never been such a thing in the world, –
Well, except in the eyes of my mother.
Dad's love is like copper,
She's so sweet, you can't get enough of it.
Try, find another one like her somewhere, –
Well, unless it's in a mother's heart.
Dad's love is like an ocean,
Where there is no bottom, no shore of the earth…
She really has no measure,
Because she, like a mother, is from God.


Who will teach?…, Serhiy Rachynets

Who will teach to live a holy life,
To protect the Motherland?
Well, of course, dear dad, –
Everyone will say, me and you.
Who is me every day doves,
Warms like a fire?
Well, of course, dad again, –
You will not have sorrow with him.
Who will teach you to love work,
God glorify the name,
To meet the sun in the morning
With the gentle singing of a nightingale?
Dad! Dad! Of course, dad! –
The thought is on my forehead.
Would today be a holiday,
If dad wasn't there?


Miracle dad, Lesya Vozniuk


Like a spring sun
the daughter was smiling.
Rays of happiness shone in her little eyes.
The daughter was happy,
that her little hand,
tiny little hand,
br> in daddy's hand.
The daughter chirped
about a bug and a ladybug.
With dad she wasn't afraid
even of a spider.
Because in the whole world
a timid kid
is so calm and cozy
in dad's arms.
And he rejoiced for his daughter
the moon in the small window,
he sat down on the corner of the bed
He wished the little ones –
boys and girls –
to have good, gentle
miracle daddies .


Express your gratitude and love with the help of beautiful poems for Father's Day

Malyy, Platon Voronko

Oh, dad is fine –
Smeared in soot,
And mom is fine,
He won't say anything.
He will heat up the water
And calls: – Wash yourself.
And when I get dirty –
Don't come to the house.
My dad will get dressed,
He will go to the park,
And I'm just going outside –
Immediately and a fight:
– You don't go out yourself,
Because a car will come!
And what am I, I can't see?
Am I a child?< br> I'm already four,
Two weeks to the fifth, –
Why can't I,
Like dad, go for a walk?
And mom laughs:
– I won't fight.< br> Bring us water from the well
Water to drink.
– Will I get
to the log house with my hands?- Then put
This log in the pit.
– But I can't lift that log
And I can't lift it.
– Then you fix it
I'll fence it in the garden.
– It's very high up there
Attached patch.
– So, my little one,
Don't be like dad.


Dad, Oleksa Kobets< /p>

Well, who has a father,
strong, hardworking:
and he gives advice,
how to live in the world,
and leads by the hand
where it is slippery:
with him the child will not fall
and will not stumble.
He works all day long,
and he will come from work, –
like a golden sun,
the sun will rise in the house:
comfort-joy comes,
warms everyone, doves…
Good, who has a dad –
br> the one that children love!
And without dad – what does he do?
The house is full of sadness…
God, God! Intercede
for all father's orphans!


My dad, Serhii Gordienko

Like fathers from all over the world< br> Collect all together,
And then ask me:
– Which is the dearest dad?
– Mine, – I will say without hesitation,

And the truth will be pure,
As from a child's tear
A sparkling droplet.
You praise your fathers,
Exalt it, – I don't care –
But for all the treasures in the world
I I won't change mine.


Poem about dad, Tatiana Koroleva

Dad can do everything in the world:
And make a birdhouse,
He knows how to drive a long nail,
He can cook delicious borscht,
He knows how to catch fish,
Give flowers to his mother.
To launch snakes into the sky…
Dad can do everything in the world!
If only for my sister
He learned to weave braids!..


< p>Father and mother, Lesya Vozniuk

And my father has broad shoulders:
it is comfortable to sit here, you can see the little ones in the distance.
Dad has strong and strong hands.
He throws me high into the air.
And my mother's hands are gentle and warm,
they gently hug their little heart.
A kind smile, ear-shaped eyes,
full of patience, kindness, love.
>If I hold the hands of my father and mother,
I am not afraid of anything in the world with them.


Express your gratitude and love with the help of beautiful poems for Father's Day

Dad and mom, Nadia Krasotkina

Two words of magic – just mom and dad,
And how much love and warmth they have!
They mean a lot to children,
So that happiness sparkles and joy blooms.
Because dad and mom are people close to us,
There are no more relatives in the whole world.
With parents, the child will be protected,
And the children's souls will not be chilled by winter.
Two words of the winged – and the heart rejoices!< br> And flies like a bird into a clear future.
They gave us both inspiration and hope,
And the most important thing in the world is our life!


And the parental house is rich in love, Nadiya Krasotkina

And the parental house is rich in love
And there was so much happiness and warmth in it,
A joyful song sounded in it and winged,
And a fairy tale lived there, a weasel was there…
Dad's wise smile, mom's bright song,
And sincere hospitality, tenderness, kindness.
And on the holiday, the house smelled of pies,
And the simple truth always lived there.
The children flew away, the house was empty,
And the holy love remained in the heart,
With which our house was rich,
For goodness and sincerity on weekdays and on holidays.
Although there is no more mom, and there is no dad,
Their simple words remained in the heart,
That little nest is dear, their song is winged
And boundless love is alive in the heart.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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