Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Star Wars The Acolyte: episode 3 created this big upheaval in Anakin's story

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun12,2024

The very good episode 3 of the Disney+ series Star Wars: The Acolyte has caused an uproar. a major upheaval with the rest of the saga, and more particularly with the story of Anakin Skywalker.

Star Wars The Acolyte: Episode 3 created this big upheaval in Anakin's story

Warning, the following article contains SPOILERS on the plot of the third episode of Star Wars: The Acolyte.If you haven't seen it yet, we strongly advise you to stop watching now. present your reading.

the origin of osha and mae revealed in episode 3

The new series rie Star Wars: The Acolyteimpressed. After two episodes responsible for laying the foundations of this new plot, the third released last night on Disney+ takes us into a long flashback necessary in order to understand the origin and history of the two twin sisters Osha and Mae.

If some will see it as a new iteration of the pacing problems faced by Disney in the construction of its Star Wars series and the slowness with which it advances its plot, others will welcome this capsule which takes us sixteen years before the events depicted in the first two episodes. We learn that a clan of reclusive witches on a planet know how to manipulate the Force, and protect two young children (the only ones in the community), the twins Mae and Osha. also sensitive to the Force, and destined to acquire great powers. We also learn that at this time of the High Republic, the Jedi who travel the galaxy have the right to identify children sensitive to the power of the Force to enroll them in the Order. Enough to give them false airs of antagonists, which is very well set up by Leslye Headland's series.

Star Wars The Acolyte: Episode 3 created this big upheaval on the story of Anakin

But this act 3 of The Acolyte risks having a lasting impact on the very distant galaxy for having turned the world upside down”. the history and origin of one of the major characters: Anakin Skywalker.To understand this, we must return to the most enigmatic scene of the episode. If we understand that Koril and Aniseya are the two maternal figures of Osha and Mae, we did not expect this; learn that the latter have not been conceived by procreation. During an exchange, Koril and Aniseya discuss the fate that awaits their offspring: 

< em>Koril – “I did not give birth to our daughters only to have them taken from me by a bunch of senseless monks. I wore them.»

Anysea – “I made them.”

Koril – “And what happens if the Jedi find out how you created them?”.

Star Wars The Acolyte: Episode 3 created this big upheaval in Anakin's story

repercussions on Anakin's origin in the phantom menace

If there is no biological father to participate in the the creation of the two twins, how they were created designed? It is still too early to know, and we then expect it to happen. new twists and turns in their story. Nevertheless, this sequence is reminiscent of the one that Qui-Gon Jinn and Shmi Skywalker had in about the birth of Anakinat the beginning of The Phantom Menace, over 200 years later.

As we know, Shmi reveals to the jedi that his son has no father, that “She gave birth to him and raised him.“I can’t explain it,” she said. There you go which therefore echoes; the creation of the two twins. Concerning Anakin, several theories coexist to explain his birth.

Star Wars The Acolyte: Episode 3 created this big upheaval in Anakin's story

The first re wants it to have beencreated by the Force itselfor by the midi-chlorians, in order to realize the prophecy of the Chosen One and to restore balance in the Force. 

The second underlies that his birth is orchestrated by the Sith and Darth Plagueis, the master of Darth Sidious capable of creating life. His apprentice would then have taken over to corrupt the Jedi by creating Darth Vader. Everything would then have been calculated from the birth of “the chosen one”

Finally, the most recent finds its origin in the non-canonical universe. In the comics Darth Vader #25, the latter is affected by a sudden vision, in which he seesDarth Sidious manipulating the Force so that Shmi falls pregnant. A theory which is close to the second.

Star Wars The Acolyte: Episode 3 created this big upheaval on the story of Anakin

There you go which asks questions about the origin of the creation of Osha and Mae. Their potential elected status, reported rumors by the fanbase would suggest that they werecreated by force, under Aniseya's manipulation and in Koril's womb. However, when we know that Darth Plagueis was alive at At this time, one can legitimately wonder if the powerful Sith Lord did not orchestrate the attack. the same plan that was planned for Anakin, hundreds of years earlier. So what about Aniseya’s character and her real ambitions? A plausible hypothesis when we hear that Darth Plagueis could appear in this new series which brings a fresh wind to the game. the galaxy far, far away.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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