Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Due to the lack of real experience of its devs, this RPG will not have a dating mode

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun12,2024

Developing a game is not easy. While from an outside eye everything may seem approachable, the reality is is far from being as lenient. While behemoths like GTA VI require hundreds of millions of dollars and several hundred developers over a decade to see the light of day, others don't have these resources. And while some games follow trends, others prefer to avoid unknown paths due to lack of experience.

Due to the lack of real experience of its devs, this RPG will not have a mode dating

a system of relationships? not for this rpg

In video games as elsewhere, confine yourself to what you do. his area of ​​expertise can prove to be life-saving. Open-world RPGs for CD Projekt Red, high-octane action games for Insomniac, 4X for Amplitude, there are many studios to choose from. have their specialty. The examples are numerous, and putting a studio on a genre that is not its own is risking failure. But publishers like to take risks and try to fit circles into squares with only one idea in mind: riding the current trend to satisfy shareholders. 

For lack of real experience of its devs , this RPG will not have a dating mode

However, some wise minds know how to change their minds. This is the case of the developers of Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children, a tactical role-playing game released in 2020. With more than 8000 positive reviews on Steam, it can boast of having to create a community of loyal players.And with its JRPG feel,Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children would have been the perfect host of a dating system.A player also pointed this out to the game's developers via a Steam review, with a criticism stating that “the only criticism is the lack of a waifu dating system“.

Due to the lack of real experience of its devs, this RPG will not have a dating mode

In response to this comment, Dandylion, the studio behind the game, revealed the reasons for this absence: 

“The dating system… This is a feature that many people wanted, but my team members… have no experience with it, even in real life. Thanks for the review.”

A response quickly became viral, which required a lot of attention. disabling comments. Many have been Internet users laugh at the situation, and especially at the honesty of the situation. from the Korean developer. A lack of experience which may be presented as proof of the harsh reality current social and romantic relationships.Even if meeting someone has never been easy. as simple as thanks to social networks and dating applications, the number of adults living as a couple is only decreasing over the decades according to information shared by INSEE.

Due to the lack of real experience of its devs, this RPG does not will not have a dating mode

And even if conjugal behavior have evolved Over the years, meeting someone can be difficult. Let's hope that the developers of Dandylion will not be too affected by the remarks made by certain unempathetic Internet users. Whatever happens, don't hesitate to take a look around the from the Steam page of Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children, the game is worth the detour if we are to believe the feedback from fans of the genre. 

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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