Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Robert Pattinson in Batman: Secrets of Filming

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun17,2024

Anxious to achieve the best performance possible in The Batman, Robert Pattinson says having taken a sacred initiative to distinguish himself from other interpreters of the Dark Knight. He sculpted himself a body without taking any substance and he even allowed himself some modifications. After two weeks of testing, Robert Pattinson was unable to convince Matt Reeves, the director, as well as the other members of the production who strongly asked him to stop the carnage.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: secrets of filming

The Batman: the new knight of Gotham

The story ofThe Batman takes place in Gotham City, a corrupt city where it has a lot of violence. However, Bruce Wayne, the young billionaire, decides to become the new masked vigilante. of the city nicknamedBatman. He wants to fight the crime and corruption that is rampant throughout the city. He will then find himself face to face; a serial killer nicknamed the Riddler.Its particularity is: to send him very macabre riddles throughout the film, and he does not hesitate to answer them. at the same time threaten the big heads of the city. With the help of police officerJames Gordon and the famous thiefCatwomanknown asSelina Kyle , the masked knightwill have to solve this investigation. But he will have to delve into the past. of his family and discover the darkest secrets of Gotham. On his way, he will face other enemies like the Penguin, the great leader of the mafia Carmine Falcone.

Who is the Director Matt Reeves?

For those who don't know Matt Reeve, he is an American director, screenwriter and producer born in New York. on April 27, 1966 at Rockville in Maryland in the United States.

He is known for directing many science fiction and horror films such as Cloverfield(release date 2008), Let me in (release date 2010) or the last two parts of the trilogy Planet of the Apes(release date 2014 and 2017).

We had to wait until 2017 to know that he was going to be the director and screenwriter of The Batman. Today, Matt Reeves is currently working on a sequel, The Batman: Part II, as well as a spin-off series, The Penguin, for the HBO Max platform.

When was it? created batman?

Batman is a superhero from the DC Comics universe and he was created by Batman. created in May 1939 by the artist Bob Kane and the screenwriter Bill Finger. They were inspired by the characters of Zorro, but also the Count of Monte Cristo as well as Sherlock Holmes.

He appeared for the first time in the comic book Detective Comics n°27 , under the name The Bat-Man.

It should be noted that he does not have superpowers, but to fight crime, he uses his money to create gadgets, as well as his intelligence and his mastery in martial arts. Face to face him, we find formidable enemies like the Joker, Catwoman, the Penguin or Bane.

Who played ; Batman in previous films?

Different actors played the role. The role of Batman since his first appearance in 1966 on the big screen. In total, it was embodied by eleven actors in the cinema. Among them, we can cite:

  • Adam West played Batman for Leslie H. Martinson.
  • Michael Keaton played a gothic version of the hero in two Tim Burton films.
  • George Clooney wore the costume for Joel Shumacher.
  • Val Kilmer also played the role of the masked vigilante for Joel Shumacher.
  • Christian Bale wore the costume of Christopher Nolan's realistic vigilante in a trilogy.
  • Ben Affleck who faced Superman and formed the Justice League in the DC Cinematic Universe.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: the secrets of filming

Who are Batman's main teammates?

Batman is often accompanied by secondary characters throughout his adventure, we can cite the main ones who return regularly in the saga:

  • Robin,a very young hero who follows in the footsteps of his mentor;
  • Alfred Pennyworth, the butler and tutor of Bruce Wayne when he was young;
  • Commissioner James Gordon, the police chief of Gotham City;
  • Catwoman, who is also one of the thieves the most remarkable of the saga.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: Secrets of Filming

What are the main enemies of Batman?

The masked vigilante of Gotham City faced many enemies during his long career as a hero. And among the most famous, we can cite the Joker, Catwoman, the Penguin, the Sphinx, or even Bane to name just the last few. However, there are many others who are among the supervillains who threaten Gotham, like Two-Face. We can't wait to know who the next enemy will be in The Batman: Part II, there's a good chance it will be Two-Face. The latter had already appeared inThe Dark Knight, but the story of Harvey Dent was continued. somewhat modified. It was the actorAaron Eckhartwho had embodied this super villain and before him Two-Face had been played by Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever released in 1995.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: Secrets of Filming

Where Batman lives and where where is the batcave located?

He lives in Wayne Manor which is a very large property. located at the outskirts of the city which was build on family land. Beneath the mansion there is a network of natural caves which he transformed into a natural cave. in its secret headquarters: the famous Batcave. It is in this ultra secret place that he keeps his gadgets, his vehicles, his costumes, and his advanced computer system. To access it, he takes different secret passages which are hidden in his home.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: Secrets of Filming

What relationship do Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne have?

Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne are two characters from the Batman universe. As a reminder, Selina was a thief under the name of Catwoman and Bruce Wayne a masked vigilante. under the name Batman.

They have an ambiguous relationship, because we can see a lot of attraction between the two characters, but also a rivalry. From time to time other, they trust each other completely when there are sometimes betrayals on both sides. Depending on the films, series and anime, they are sometimes friends, sometimes lovers, teammates or enemies.


They are both struggling to cope. commit to This is due to their differences in values, but also in the methods used. Selina does not hesitate to breaking the law while Bruce respects it. These are not the only differences, she is a wanted thief while he is a billionaire philanthropist. However, they both have deep wounds and trauma, which is why they understand each other and have a lot of empathy for each other.

Catwoman and Batman form a popular couple. by fans of pop culture thanks to ambiguity between the two characters.

Which other actors were planned for The Batman?

You should know that Robert Pattinson was not the first choice to play the Dark Knight in The Batman. Before him, several other actors have been in the spotlight. considered for this role. Here are the names of the actors who were featured in the film. revealed: Jake Gyllenhaal, Armie Hammer, Nicholas Hoult, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Jack O'Connell. Ultimately, it was Robert Pattinson who was chosen by director Matt Reeves. Nevertheless, he has some history. several tests with a Batman suit and a typical scene.

What is the cast of The Batman?

In this new Batman, there is a big cast and it was with surprise that we were able to see Robert Pattinson in the main role. At his side we find:

  • Zoë Kravitz who plays the role of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman
  • Paul Dano plays Edward Nashton aka The Riddler strong>
  • Colin Farrellin the role of Oswald Cobblepot aka the Penguin
  • Jeffrey Wright takes on the role of Lieutenant James Gordon
  • Andy Serkis who becomes the butler Alfred Pennyworth

What changes did Pattinson want to make à the voice of Batman?

Robert Pattinson, who plays the main role in The Batman, wanted to make changes to the voice ofBatman. She is often represented as gruff and serious. The actor first tried a softer voice but he didn't catch on at all. because it reminded him of Val Kilmer in Batman Forever. He finally opted for for a more severe, stricter voice with a more relaxed side. disturbing which reminds us of that of Michael Keaton in the Tim Burton films. According to him, this voice corresponds better to; a younger Bruce Wayne who begins to experience make yourself known as a vigilante Gotham City.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: Secrets of Filming

What physical transformations did Robert Pattinson undergo to play Batman?

To play the role of Batman, Robert Pattinson had toû undergo significant physical transformations to appear more square. The actor, who had a rather lean physique, followed a bodybuilding program and a mass-gain diet to gain around 5 kilos of muscle. Before this one, he measured 1m82 and weighed 75 kilos. During his intensive training, he also practiced boxing and outdoor exercises high intensity to sculpt your body and above all have clearly visible abs like on the costume. According to his partner the screen, Zoë Kravitz aka Selina Kyle, her transformation was incredible.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: Secrets of Filming

The new Batmobile

In the film The Batman, our masked knight; uses a Batmobile that looks like a muscle car from the 70s. It is a mix between a Chevrolet Corvette C2 and a Dodge Charger. This one is a modified model featuring an upgraded V10 engine to give it maximum power. This Batmobile has been fully customized by director Matt Reeves and designer Ash Thorp.

A small peculiarity, its chassis is based on a Tesla and is fully electrified. Fortunately, the magic of cinema operates afterwards to make it even more alive.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: the secrets of filming

Batman's new replica

In the film The Batman,  Robert Pattinson delivers new line: I am THE Vengeance. She appears when he confronts a member of the Halloween gang who asks him who he is. It doesn't come from nowhere, this one is a tribute to the artist. the animated series Batman: The Animated Series in which the hero regularly said I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman.

Director Matt Reeves was keen to explain this famous sentence. He explains that it reflects the anger Batman has against him and the world. Moreover, it is synonymous with the theme of the film which highlights revenge. One would have thought that it would be poorly perceived by the fans, and on the contrary it was unanimous.

whereù watch Batman on VOD or streaming

If you want to watch The Batman several possibilities; are available to you YOU. First of all, the film is available in France via the Canal+ platform. Then you have the possibility to by the rental box sinceThe Batman is available on several other video services at home. on demand (VOD). You have the choice, there is: Apple TV, Google Play Movies and YouTube, Canal VOD and Prime Video. Besides, if you want to receive the old Batmanyou can also rent them on the same SVOD services. Otherwise, it is still possible to order Blu-ray and DVD.

Robert Pattinson in Batman: the secrets of filming

The Batman: Part 2, an expected sequel

< strong>The Batman: Part 2 will be the sequel to the film The Batman which was released in 2022. Matt Reeves directed and co-wrote the screenplay, wanting to give a new vision of the Batman universe, darker and more realistic.

As for  The Batman: Part 2you will still have to wait a little since it is scheduled for October 3, 2025 in the United States and the following Wednesday, October 8, 2025 in France . Concerning the story, it will resume at agrave; the end of the first plot where identity of the Riddler has been revealed. You will also have to expect an evolution on the relationship between Batman and Catwoman. There could also be new enemies like the Joker, Harley Quinn, or Two-Face, at the moment there is no information on the plot of this next part, but it is eagerly awaited by not all fans of the Dark Knight of Gotham. In any case, we can't wait to see what this second opus will bring.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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