Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

American scientists have created a powerful atomic battery that can work for 100 years – WNN

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun17,2024

American scientists have created a powerful atomic battery that can work for 100 years - WNN

In the USA, they have created an atomic battery that can work for a hundred years. The size of the product does not exceed the size of a coin, which makes it compact and convenient to use. The declared efficiency is more than 60%, which is also an excellent result.

The novelty was developed by the American company Infinity Power. The publication WNN writes about the new prospects of such an invention.

The project is overseen by the US Department of Defense (Pentagon). Compared to other radioisotope energy conversion methods with low efficiency (<10%), this battery is known to have the highest level of overall efficiency at this time. This shows that commercial release of radioisotope energy sources of the next generation is possible and quite real, scientists believe.

The company claims that its tiny coin-sized device can provide tens of milliwatts of power for over a hundred years. It is also reported that the technology can easily be scaled and in the future produce a wide range of electricity: from nanowatt to kilowatt and more. The battery can be used in medicine (for example, in pacemakers or hearing aids), in space, underwater, etc. 

“Our goal — is to set up a product release and start a new chapter in history revolutionary solutions for nuclear energy storage”, — said Infinity Power CEO Jae Kwon in a media comment. 

Atomic batteries – what are they?

Atomic batteries, also known as radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), use the heat released by the decay of radioactive isotopes to generate electricity. This is quite an interesting and potentially important technology for humanity. Here are its main features, advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of atomic batteries:

  1. Durability: Atomic batteries can work for decades without the need for replacement or recharging, making them ideal for use in spacecraft missions or in other remote and hard-to-reach locations.

  2. Independence from external energy sources: They do not depend on sunlight or other external energy sources, which allows them to be used in conditions where other energy sources are not available.

  3. Stability and reliability : Atomic batteries have high reliability and stable operation, which makes them indispensable in critical applications.

Disadvantages of atomic batteries:

  1. Cost: The production of atomic batteries is very expensive due to the use of radioactive materials and complex manufacturing processes.

  1. Safety: Radioactive materials can be dangerous if damaged or improperly disposed of. This requires careful safety management at all stages of the battery life cycle.

  2. Environmental Risks: Improper disposal or leakage of radioactive materials can have serious environmental consequences.

  3. Limited Applications: Due to their high cost and safety risks, atomic batteries are only used in special applications, such as space missions, military applications, or scientific instruments in extreme environments.

< h3>Atomic Battery Applications:

  • Spacecraft: For example, space probes and rovers such as Voyager and Curiosity use X-rays to provide power for long-duration missions.
  • Military Equipment: Used to provide power in stand-alone military sensors or other critical applications.
  • Scientific Equipment: Used in autonomous scientific devices that work in remote and extreme conditions.

Atomic batteries are a unique source of energy, which has its advantages in the duration of operation and independence from external conditions. However, their use is still limited due to high cost and potential security risks. 

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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