Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

The Kremlin explained what smells will emerge from Orban’s negotiations in Kiev

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jul2,2024

The Kremlin explained what the smell will be from Orban’s negotiations in Kiev

Russian Presidential Secretary D meter Peskov commented on the visit of Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Ukraine and stated that nothing will happen in the Kremlin as a result of the trip.

Russian news sources report this.

< p>It means that official Budapest is not having contacted Moscow before the visit of the Prime Minister of Ugorshchina to Kiev. There will be nothing left in the Kremlin after this visit.

“It is clear that the Ugorshchina, which has become headstrong in this period in the EU, is obviously guilty of abandoning its functions.” Therefore, in this case, I think, both languages ​​will prevail here in the context of Brussels interests, and not in the context of national interests, – said Peskov.

In his words, Orban is “well-known as a politician who fiercely defends the interests of his country.”

As it was reported, the 2nd Prime Minister of the Ugorshchina, Viktor Orban, arrived in Kiev for negotiations with President Volodymyr Zelensky.

It seems that from the 1st linya the Ugorshchina began its head-turning For the sake of the European Union, please that members of the European Parliament previously collected 20 thousand signatures against him.

Apparently, the connections between Ukraine and the Ugorsk region were signed in 2017, when the Verkhovna Rada praised the law on lighting. Ugric chauvinists believed that they were interfering with the rights of their diaspora in the Transcarpathian region, but at the same time they were not at all concerned with the problem that after finishing secondary school, Ugric children in Ukraine And it’s extremely bad to rule as a sovereign, and therefore, to follow the same rules as other citizens of the region. Through the MZS of Ugorshchina, the participation of Ukraine in NATO approaches began to be blocked.

In 2019, Ukraine introduced amendments to the law on lighting, which terminated until June 1, 2023 the date of movable statistics, which disturbed the Ugorshchina, and Budapest It didn't matter.

Previously, the huge activist Dmitro Snegiryov stated that the country, if it does not pay contributions to NATO, has no right to block the European integration of Ukraine.

The writer Kostyantin Koverznev also mentioned that documentary evidence of poverty civilian population in the town of Koryukivka during the hour of Another World War was carried out by military services of the Ugric 105th Light Division in the warehouse of the Similar Occupation Group of the Army for the Order ivki commander of the group, Lieutenant General Alda-Pap Zoltan Johan, born in 1895, a native of Budapest. In the Chernigiv region, the Ugric units took their share of the reduced to 60 thousand peaceful meshkans. None of these evildoers were punished by the international military tribunal.

"The Ugric evildoing against peaceful Ukrainians has not been forgotten in the handbooks of history. All this evil is reality! – Koverznev confirms. – Also, if we are blackmailed by politicians from the present land, the stink is really the decline of the expected segregation policy of the Ugric region of the twentieth century… “

Prepared by: Nina Petrovich

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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