Fri. May 10th, 2024

The Guinness Book of Records has chosen the new oldest man in the world: how old is he

John Alfred Tinniswood/Guinness Book of Records

On April 5, the Guinness Book of Records announced the name of the new oldest man in the world. He became 111-year-old John Alfred Tinniswood from England.

British John Tinniswood was officially recognized as the world's oldest man. This is stated on the website of the Guinness Book of Records.

John Tinniswood was born in Liverpool on August 26, 1912. The man survived both world wars, he was 27 years old when the second happened, despite his eyesight, he worked in an administrative position in the army pay corps.

You either live long or you live short , and you can't do anything about it, – the Guinness Book of Records quotes the oldest man on the planet.

In addition to accounting and auditing, his work included logistical tasks such as finding stranded soldiers and organizing food supplies. Tinniswood is thus the world's oldest surviving male World War II veteran.

The Guinness Book of Records has chosen the new oldest man in the world: how old is he

John Alfred Tinniswood/Guinness World Records

After the war, John worked in accounting for Shell and BP until his retirement in 1972. The man now lives in a care home in Southport, where staff describe him as a “big talker”. John does not smoke and rarely drinks alcohol. His main advice for staying healthy is moderation.

The previous record holder, Venezuelan Juan Vicente Pérez Mora died on April 3 in aged 114 years. At first, it was expected that the new oldest man would be 112-year-old Hisaburo Sonobe from Japan, but it turned out that he died on March 31.

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