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Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Mar28,2024

Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

Recipes salads for Easter/Collage of Radio MAXIMUM

Ukrainians will celebrate Easter on May 5. You have enough time to decide what you will serve to the table. Radio MAXIMUM strives to make your life easier and shares a selection of delicious salads.

Here are step-by-step Easter salad recipes that you can prepare for the holiday. Amuse yourself and your family with delicious food together with Radio MAXIMUM.

Salads that should be prepared for Easter

  • Easy salads for Easter
  • Salads with mayonnaise for Easter
  • Vegetarian salads for Easter

Light salads for Easter

Classic vinaigrette


  • 2 medium beets
  • 2 large carrots
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 2 pickles
  • 150 grams sauerkraut
  • 250 grams of canned white beans
  • green peas (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon of coriander

For dressing:

  • 1 tablespoon of mustard in grains
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste

Method of preparation:

  1. Take 2 medium beets, 2 large carrots and 4 medium potatoes. Choose potatoes with medium or low starch content, then they will not fall apart during cooking. Wash the vegetables. Put the potatoes and carrots in one pan, and the beets separately. Pour water over the vegetables and cook until done. Potatoes will be cooked first, after about 25-35 minutes. Take it out, and leave the carrots to cook. It takes about 35-40 minutes to prepare. It takes more time to cook beets – from 1.5 to 2 hours. Check the readiness of the vegetables with a sharp, thin knife.
  2. The vegetables must cool completely, then peel them and cut them into uniform medium cubes. Place in a deep, large bowl.
  3. Add 150 grams of sauerkraut to the vegetables in the bowl. If the cabbage is cut into long strips, cut it into several parts. Cut 2 pickled cucumbers into medium cubes, and also add to the bowl with all the salad ingredients. Use pickles instead of pickled cucumbers because the vinaigrette dressing contains wine vinegar.
  4. Add 250 grams of canned or cooked white beans. You can also add canned green peas or take frozen peas and blanch them. If you choose the second option, you must add cooled peas to the vinaigrette.
  5. Prepare the salad dressing. In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of mustard seeds, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Dress the salad and add ½ teaspoon of coriander. If necessary, add salt and pepper to taste.

Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

< strong>Salad with couscous, grapefruit and pomegranate


  • 100 grams of couscous< /li>
  • 100 milliliters of hot water
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 white onion
  • a bunch of parsley
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • salt to taste

Method of preparation:

  1. Prepare 100 grams of couscous by pouring it with hot water in a ratio of 1:1
  2. Peel the grapefruit and cut into fillets: use a sharp knife to cut the juicy flesh from the lobes of the fruit.
  3. Peel the pomegranate and divide it into separate bones.
  4. Peel and finely chop 1 white onion. Finely chop a bunch of parsley.
  5. In a salad bowl, mix couscous, finely chopped onion, grapefruit fillet cut into small pieces, parsley, pomegranate seeds. Dress the salad with three tablespoons of olive oil and salt to taste.

Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

Salad with beetroot and herring


  • 2 pieces (400 grams) of beets
  • 200 grams of herring fillet
  • 20 grams of sunflower seeds

For the vinaigrette sauce

  • 1 teaspoon of mustard
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar

Method of preparation:

< ol>

  • Wash 400 grams of beets thoroughly, dry and wrap in foil. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 1 hour (if the beet is small) or 1 hour 30 minutes if it is larger. Cool, clean and cut into cubes.
  • Cut 200 grams of herring into cubes.
  • For the vinaigrette sauce: in a separate container, mix 1 teaspoon of mustard, 3 tablespoons of oil and 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar.
  • Place the chopped beets and herring in a bowl, dress the salad with the sauce and mix. To serve, sprinkle the dish with twenty grams of sunflower seeds.
  • Salads on Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    Salad with tuna and eggs


    • 2 eggs
    • 1 tablespoon of oil
    • 1 tomato
    • 185 grams of canned tuna (1 can)
    • >

    • 65 grams of baby spinach
    • 15 grams of sunflower seeds

    For dressing:

    • 4 tablespoons of oil
    • 1 teaspoon of mustard
    • 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar

    < strong>Method of preparation:

    1. Pour boiling water into a saucepan, add 2 eggs at room temperature and cook for 8 minutes after boiling. Transfer the finished eggs to cold water, cool and peel. Cut into quarters.
    2. Cut the tomato into quarters. If the tuna is canned in large pieces, mash it slightly with a fork.
    3. Make the vinaigrette sauce: mix 4 tablespoons of oil, 1 teaspoon of mustard and 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar until smooth.
    4. Put baby spinach, 185 grams of canned tuna, eggs and tomatoes on a plate. Season with sauce, mix and serve, sprinkled with seeds.

    Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    Arugula and chicken salad


    • 125 grams of arugula
    • 250 grams of chicken fillet
    • 150 grams of cherry tomatoes
    • 25 milliliters of sunflower oil
    • 50 grams of Parmesan cheese
    • 40 grams of cashews
    • 75 milliliters of olive oil
    • a pinch of salt and pepper

    Method of preparation:

    1. Wash 250 grams of chicken fillet, cut it into slices and season with salt and pepper.
    2. Fry the chicken until cooked and golden brown in a pan heated with sunflower oil.
    3. If the arugula is fresh from the garden or the garden, wash it and dry it with a paper towel. If it is in the package, you do not need to wash it. Cut 150 grams of cherry tomatoes in half. Put arugula and cherry tomatoes in a salad plate or a couple of portions, add 75 milliliters of olive oil.
    4. Place fried chicken on greens with tomatoes. Chop 40 grams of cashews with a knife and sprinkle them over the salad. On top, cut 50 grams of Parmesan into slices with the help of a parmesan.

    Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    Salads for Easter with mayonnaise

    Salad with vegetables and turkey


    • 500 grams of turkey fillet
    • 2 carrots
    • 1 sweet pepper
    • 300 grams of mushrooms
    • 2 centimeters of root ginger
    • 2 tablespoons of oil
    • 4 slices of toasted bread (for crackers)
    • 2 tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise
    • salt and pepper to taste

    For homemade mayonnaise:

    • 2 yolks
    • 125-150 milliliters of sunflower oil
    • 10 grams of mustard
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
    • 1 pinch of salt
    • 2/3 teaspoon of turmeric

    Method of preparation:

    1. Prepare all ingredients for making holiday salad with baked turkey and homemade mayonnaise. Turn on the oven to heat up to a temperature of 180 degrees.
    2. Thoroughly wash 2 carrots with a brush, wash well 1 sweet pepper and 300 grams of mushrooms. Wash and remove the films from the turkey fillet, carefully rub with salt and pepper and sprinkle with oil along with the vegetables. Line a baking sheet with foil and place the vegetables with the meat. Bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. This is the time to bake the fillet, the vegetables will need to be taken out earlier: the carrots should become soft after about 25 minutes, the pepper should be about the same, burns should appear on it, the mushrooms should be taken out at the same time as the carrots.
    3. While the meat and vegetables are baking, prepare the homemade mayonnaise. Separate 2 yolks in a blender bowl or bowl and add 10 grams of mustard. Beat a little with an immersion blender or a whisk. Then pour in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and add a pinch of salt and beat until smooth. Then pour in the sunflower oil in a thin stream, without stopping to beat. Add oil in parts, adjusting the consistency of the sauce, you will need 125-150 milliliters of sunflower oil. Finally, add 2/3 teaspoon of turmeric and beat again lightly to combine.
    4. Cut the slices of toasted bread (4 pieces) into small cubes. Heat the pan and fry the bread cubes without oil and butter until golden brown.
    5. When the turkey fillet and vegetables are ready, let them cool a little. Then remove the skin from the sweet pepper, remove the seed pod and cut it into medium cubes. Baked pepper has an incredible aroma and taste.
    6. Cut the baked carrots into strips, and cut the mushrooms in half or into quarters, depending on the size of the mushrooms. Also cut the turkey fillet into strips.
    7. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and dress with homemade turmeric mayonnaise. Adjust the amount of mayonnaise to your taste, but it is better not to put too much of it.
    8. Grate 2 centimeters of ginger root on a fine grater in a bowl, it will add piquancy to the taste of the salad. When you serve the dish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. It is better not to add them in advance, so that they do not get soggy and lose their crispness.

    Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    < strong>Beet salad with mayonnaise


    • 1 large beet
    • 7-8 prunes
    • 50 grams of fresh cranberries
    • 1-2 tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise with fried garlic
    • salt and pepper to taste
    • li>

    For mayonnaise:

    • 2 eggs
    • ½ teaspoon of sweet mustard
    • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
    • 150-170 milliliters of sunflower oil
    • 2 – 3 cloves of garlic
    • 1-2 pinches of salt
    • ground black pepper to taste

    Method of preparation:

    1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Wash the beets well, dry with a paper towel, wrap in foil and bake for 1-1.5 hours at a temperature of 180 degrees. Cooking time will depend on the size of the vegetable. To check readiness, pierce with a toothpick, it should stick well. Then remove and leave to cool. Then peel the beetroot and grate it on a coarse grater.
    2. If you have enough dry prunes, pour boiling water over them. Soft – just wash well and lay on a paper towel, because we don't need the extra liquid. Cut 7-8 prunes into slices and transfer to a bowl.
    3. Add 50 grams of fresh cranberries to beets and prunes. Prepare homemade mayonnaise. Peel two cloves of garlic, heat a pan with 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil and fry them well until golden brown. Transfer to a plate to cool. Pasteurize two eggs. Peel so that the yolk remains intact. Transfer it to a blender bowl. Add ½ teaspoon of sweet mustard, 1-2 pinches of salt, ground black pepper to taste and start blending with a blender, gradually pouring in the oil in a thin stream. Use 150-170 milliliters in total. Add two cloves of roasted garlic and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and beat well again. You should have a thick sauce.
    4. Dress the salad with 1-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and salt to taste. Stir so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed. Leave the salad for 5-10 minutes to infuse a little and serve. Transfer the remaining mayonnaise to a clean, dry jar and store in the refrigerator for up to two days.

    Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    < strong>Mimosa with shrimps


    • 2 avocados
    • ¼ white onion
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
    • a few drops of Tabasco or Spicy sauce
    • 2 tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise
    • 2 teaspoons of white horseradish
    • ½ teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
    • black or white ground pepper to taste
    • 150 grams of boiled shrimp
    • a few drops of tabasco or hot sauce
    • 3-4 lettuce leaves
    • 2 boiled egg yolks
    • 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley (fresh)

    For mayonnaise

    • 1 egg
    • 1 teaspoon of mustard
    • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
    • ½ teaspoon of salt
    • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil

    Method of preparation:

    1. Prepare the ingredients: peel and finely chop ¼ white onion, chop a few sprigs of parsley, boil and cool 2 eggs, squeeze 2 tsp of lemon juice and make sure the shrimp are completely thawed.
    2. Peel and mash half of 1 avocado with a fork. Add ¼ of a finely chopped white onion, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, ¼ teaspoon of salt and a few drops of Tabasco or other hot sauce. Mix until smooth and set aside for now.
    3. For the homemade mayonnaise: In a separate bowl or bowl of an immersion blender, whisk together 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of mustard. Next, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of salt and mix. Pour 100 milliliters of oil into the egg mixture in a thin stream, continuing to beat the mixture with a whisk or blender until the mayonnaise thickens.
    4. In a separate bowl, mix 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, a few drops of Tabasco sauce, 2 teaspoons horseradish, ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
    5. Peel and pit the rest of the avocado. Cut them into 1-1.5 cm cubes and put them in a large bowl. Add 150 grams of finely chopped boiled shrimp and the mixture of mayonnaise, horseradish and lemon juice from step #2.
    6. Assemble the salad: place 3-4 lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, then evenly distribute the mixture of shrimp with avocado and mayonnaise. The next layer is avocado puree from step #1.
    7. In a separate bowl, grate 2 boiled egg yolks on a fine grater or rub through a fine sieve, mix with 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley. Sprinkle the mixture of egg yolks and parsley evenly over the salad. Before serving, Mimosa should be put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

    Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    Vegetarian salads

    Moroccan salad


    • 1 orange
    • 150 grams of red canned beans
    • 1 lemon
    • 1 sweet pepper
    • 10 pitted olives
    • 1 Crimean onion
    • 2 sprigs of mint
    • 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
    • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

    Method of preparation:

    1. Cut the orange in half. Remove the peel from one part. Remove only the upper part, without the white layer, otherwise the bitterness will spoil the taste of the salad. Peel the orange slices from the films. You should only have a clean orange fillet left.
    2. Cut the onion and pepper into cubes, and cut the olives in half. Mix oranges, onions, peppers and olives in a bowl, add beans.
    3. Prepare the sauce. Mix lemon juice and half an orange with olive oil with a fork, dress the salad. Add mint, season with pepper, salt and thinly sliced ​​orange peel.

    Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    Salad with buckwheat and pickles


    • 250 grams of buckwheat
    • 200 milliliters of beet juice
    • 100 grams of pickles
    • 10 grams of chili pepper
    • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
    • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil (unrefined)
    • 20 grams of parsley leaves
    • salt to taste

    Method of preparation

    1. Squeeze the juice from the beets using a juicer. If you don't have it, you can just grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through a sieve, we need 200 milliliters.
    2. Wash 250 grams of buckwheat and pour beetroot juice, leave at room temperature for 4-6 hours so that the buckwheat swells.
    3. Transfer the finished buckwheat into a salad bowl, add 100 grams of pickled cucumbers, cut into large cubes.
    4. Cut the chili pepper into thin circles, you will need 10 grams. Make sure that there are no seeds left in the pepper. Add chili and 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds to the salad.
    5. Prepare the salad dressing. Blend 20 grams of parsley leaves with salt and 2 tablespoons of unrefined sunflower oil in a blender until smooth. Serve the salad with the sauce. If necessary, add a little more salt.

    Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    Salad with spinach and orange


    • 2 pieces of oranges
    • 200 grams of spinach
    • 100 grams of carrots
    • 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds
    • 100 milliliters of orange juice
    • 20 grams of butter or sunflower oil

    Method of preparation:

    1. Wash the spinach, dry it and cut it into wide strips. You can also use frozen spinach sticks. To do this, it is necessary to thaw it at room temperature and squeeze well. Fry in butter for 2-3 minutes and add salt to taste.
    2. Peel one orange and separate the pulp from the white partitions. Squeeze the juice from the second orange.
    3. Cut the carrots into circles and boil them according to the principle of cooking “glazed vegetables”, only add orange juice instead of water.
    4. Fry the sesame seeds in a dry pan for 10-20 seconds, to reveal its aroma. Mix all the ingredients and add the sauce in which the carrots were cooked.

    Salads for Easter: recipes for delicious and original dishes for the holiday

    Natasha Kumar

    By Natasha Kumar

    Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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