Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Marvel: according to this actor, X-Men 2 is his best film

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun17,2024

Second film in the license, released in 2003, X-Men 2 is still one of the best parts of the saga. Recently, this comedian declared that X-Men 2 was the best film of his career.

Marvel: according to this actor, X-Men 2 is his best film

X-men 2: immense classic

It was in 2000 that the comics < strong>X-Men makes their cinema debut. After an animated series already cult classic, Mutants is adapted for the big screen by Bryan Singer. The first X-Menreceived largely positive critical and popular feedback. Three years later, Bryan Singer returns for the excellent X-Men 2. Bigger, stronger, more mature, more spectacular, but also more intimate, X-Men 2 is, still today, an indisputable classic of the superhero genre in cinema. Founding film of the genre with Spider-Man by Sam Raimi, X-Men 2reported more than $407 million in box office revenue. Above all, he had made Wolverine a definitively cult character.

Marvel: according to this actor, X-Men 2 is his best film

X-Men 2also owes its success to; its casting. Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, James Marsden, Brian Cox, it's hard to do better. Recently, Alan Cumming, who plays Diablo, said: that he considered X-Men 2 to be the best film of his career!

Who is Alan Cumming?

Today aged 59-year-old Alan Cumming made his debut on the big screen in the early 1990s. towards comedy, he is best known for appearing in the Spy Kids saga, in Garfield (2003) or even The Son of the Mask (2005). However, he turned also in darker films like GoldenEye (1995), Eyes Wide Shut (1999) or X-Men 2 (2003). In recent years, Alan Cumming has been mainly present on the small screen in series such as The Good Wife, Web Therapy or Briarpatch.

Marvel: according to this actor, X-Men 2 is his best film

< p>In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Alan Cumming  addressed his queer actor status. He explained that according to him, X-Men 2 is the queerest film he has made. In any case the film that best represents queer culture:

I think X-Men 2, in 2003, is the gayest film I've ever done. There is a queer director, queer actors. And I like the fact that something so common in the world of comics is less common in cinema. In a way, these kinds of films really help people learn more. understand queerness, because we can approach it in an artistic way, and everyone is less afraid of the concept. X-Men is an allegory of queerness, about people who have gifts but must hide them to survive. Queer people understand what this is about.

Marvel: according to this actor, X-Men 2 is his best film

To summarize quickly and roughly, the community Queeris an inclusive term that encompasses a wide range of sexual identities and genders that do not conform to traditional heterosexual or cisgender norms. It's difficult to know if X-Men 2 is a queer film or not, but it is undoubtedly, qualitatively speaking, one of the best films of the career ;re by Alan Cumming. And he is not the one who will contradict us. In 2013 he already declared:

I really like this film. Enough time has passed. since my first appearance and I would very much like to come back. At the time, it was the beginning of comic book adaptations, so it seemed a little more special than it does today. X2 was a very great film. And not just in the superhero genre. I think it’s one of the films of my career that I consider to be truly successful.

Unfortunately, Alan Cumming never returned to the role. Diablo's. The character was absent from X-Men: The Last Stand, and later it was the young Kodi Smit-McPhee > who reprized the role for X-Men: Apocalypse and X-Men: Dark Phoenix .

But we still have a chance to see Alan Cumming again in the role of Diablo. Indeed, the futureDeadpool & Wolverinewill bring back plenty of old actors from the original X-Men trilogy. For example, Tyler Mane, Aaron Stanford or even Kelly Hu are already in the spotlight. confirmed, so why not Alan Cumming?


Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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