Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Batman: This Villain Would Be Hidden in Dark Knight Rises

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun17,2024

12 years ago, Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy ended. These three films, which have largely contributed to à ennobling the superhero genre in cinema, are now multi-rebroadcast classics and/or which make the success of the streaming platforms which broadcast them. However, 12 years later, the third episode, The Dark Knight Rises, still seems to hide a secret that some fans are obsessed with.

Batman: this villain would be hidden in Dark Knight Rises

A more down-to-earth Batman earth

Each installment of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy focuses on a D.C. that time. The main threat of Batman Beginsis Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow, the famous main antagonist of The Dark Knight is Heath Ledger's Joker, and The Dark Knight Rises concludes the franchise with Bane, played by by Tom Hardy, as Batman's final enemy.Each film also features a secondary enemy playing a key role in the game. in the story: Ra's Al Ghul by Liam Neeson, Harvey Dent by Aaron Eckhart, and Talia Al Ghul by Marion Cotillard, respectively.

Batman: this villain would be hidden in Dark Knight Rises

Although the Dark Knight universe >by Christopher Nolan is more grounded; in reality and therefore less populated Featuring more comic book characters and other fanciful cameos than other Batman adaptations, the trilogy includes some well-known characters. For example, serial killer Victor Zsasz makes an appearance in Batman Begins and Scarecrow plays a secondary role in The Dark Knight Rises. em> In fact,fans have also theorized; on more cryptic indications which would hide other villains,like the Riddler in The Dark Knight, who could have been named Mr. Reese instead of E. Nygma. But in the genre,the most widespread theory suggests that Deathstroke would be presented to spectatorsduring the opening sequence of The Dark Knight Rises.

Batman: this villain would be hidden in Dark Knight Rises

< h2>Deathstroke vs Bane

In the introductory scene, just before the impressive escape scene, Aidan Gillen plays the CIA agent who interrogates Bane and his henchmen board the plane. A few years after the release of The Dark Knight Rises, an identity card Detailing the officer’s background began. à appear on forums and social media.According to the image,Aidan Gillen's agent is called “William Joseph Wilson” and uses the alias “Slade” strong>. According to this theory, this nickname would make him the incarnation of Slade Wilsonaka Deathstroke from theDark Knight trilogy.Deathstroke is a famous master assassin from the DC Comics universe who is part of the long list of sworn enemies of Batman (and the Teen Titans).

Batman: this villain would be hidden in Dark Knight Rises

However, let's be honest, this theory is dubious to say the least. First of all, Aidan Gillen's character is not named on screen. In fact, he simply introduces himself as “CIA.” It's the novelization of The Dark Knight Rises that reveals his name as “Bill Wilson.”. Beyond that, no additional official information about the character really exists. It must be acknowledged that the image that identifies Aidan Gillen as Deathstroke is certainly a fake, certainly very elaborate, but a fake nonetheless. Especially since we know how rigorous Nolan is in the development of his films; however, an organization like the CIA has no reason to list an alias if the subject is not a suspect.

Batman: this villain would be hidden in Dark Knight Rises

No Deathstroke but perhaps other enemies from Batman

Deathstroke is definitely not in The Dark Knight Rises, butthe film includes references to other villains from the Batman. universeFirst, Ben Mendelsohn plays John Daggett, who shares his last name with Roland Daggett aka the evil Clayface. Then, Detective John Blake tells Bruce Wayne that when he told his superiors about Bane, they “asked me if he'd seen any giant alligators” in the sewers, a reference to DC villain Killer Croc who is also present in the little-known official shorts based on Nolan's universe and which we talked about in detail here . Finally, as a bonus, Gotham's prison breaks involve the Joker's off-screen release, which is mentioned in the novelization of The Dark Knight Rises.

Batman: this villain would be hidden in Dark Knight Rises

And if you liked In this article, you can also discover “Batman: 6 embarrassing moments that we would like to forget”.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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