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Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar May22,2024

Wolverine is arguably the most famous mutant in the X-Men universe. However, there's a good chance you don't know these 13 crazy facts about the clawed mutant. Here are 13 anecdotes around the irreplaceable Logan:

Wolverine : 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

13) He was almost called The Badger

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Wolverine makes its very first appearance reappearance in 1974 under the pens of Len Wein and Roy Thomas. At the time, it was very different from its current representation. Even his name was almost different since the two creators almost named him Le Blaireau (The Badger in the original version). The duo was at the same time. looking for an animal that inspires ferocity. and tenacity. Finally, they opted for for Wolverine, which can be translated as glutton or wolverine. A kind of badger, larger and wilder, particularly aggressive. The glutton, also called wolverine, has practically disappeared. A few specimens are still present in Canada and Alaska. In the 1980s and 1990s, Wolverine was often nicknamed “Wolverine”. Carcajou or Serval in the French versions.

12) Wolverine is Canadian

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

James Howlett à Alberta, in Canada,its origin story is deeply rooted in the Canadian wilderness. This unique origin sets it apart from many of its American counterparts. Its Canadian origins are often highlighted in Marvel comics (hence the origin of its name explained above). So much so that the mutant often faced attacks. the Wendigo, a mythological creature from Canada. Ironically, the character was ultimately released. embodied by anAustralian the screen.

11) Wolverine had no claws

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

In her very first appearance, Wolverine does not yet have retractable claws. Indeed, the character wore gloves with false claws. Overall, his appearance was very different from what we know of him today. John Romita Sr.'s initial design featured a mask with wolverine whiskers. It was the artist Dave Cockrum who redefined Wolverine by modifying his costume, removing the mustaches and clawed gloves.

10) He was an avenger

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the universe

In addition to its privileged place within the X-Men, Wolverine has also been a member of the Avengers. He joined the cult team in 2005 in New Avengers no 6. He remained there until 2005. a few years and thus participated in the à cult crossovers as Avenger like Secret Invasion and Dark Avengers.

9 ) Wolverine

's sonWolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Comic book fans probably already know; his identity. Daken is indeed the son of Wolverine. Real name Akihiro, Daken is the son of Wolverine and the Japanese Itsu. Daken is therefore an important legacy of the entire period during which Wolverine lived in Japan. The latter has in fact moved to for many years in the Japanese country, calling himself Le Borgne. Itsu was murdered shortly after Daken's birth. The latter was then recovered by Romulus,a long-time adversary of Wolverine, who therefore returned to Daken against his father. The relationship between Daken and Wolverine is marked by hate, resentment and constant conflict. Like his father, Daken possesses a powerful power of regeneration. It also has three claws, made of bone, two on the top of the hand, and one below at the level of the forearm. He even has a small advantage over his father, since his claws are poisoned. Merciless, he is a powerful mutant, who has been member of the Dark Avengers.

8) He speaks many languages

Wolverine: 1 3 things you what you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Due to its very long life expectancy, Wolverine has gone through many years of life. whole centuries. His long life allowed him to travel a lot and learn many foreign languages. So, in addition to English, Wolverine speaks Japanese, Russian and Spanish perfectly.

7) Bone claws

< source srcset="" type="image/webp">Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Okay, you probably know this one. Initially, Wolverine does not have an Adamantium skeleton. This is the experimental program for Weapon Xwhich covers its entirety. of its skeleton in Adamantium, this indestructible metal. This story was obviously discussed in X-Men 2 but also in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. In the Gavin Hood film, we learn that Wolverine had bone claws before having them covered by William Stryker. An idea which however comes from the comics.

6) It was samuraiï

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Wolverine was a lot of things during his life. Lumberjack, X-Men, Avenger, soldier, Wolverine was even samuraiï. Indeed, in 1982, during his stay in Japan, Wolverine learned to use the katana in Wolverine no 1-4. A true initiatory journey for the mutant, Logan fully immerses himself in Japanese culture, martial arts and the way of the samurai.

5) He went to Japan. in Hell

Wolverine: 13 Things You Didn't Know About The Side bre mutant Marvel

In the comics Wolverine: Hell, Logan traveled in the underworld. Indeed, in this story of Jason Aaron, the mutant is obliged to to go to limbo to save his soul from capricious demons. The story explores themes of redemption, guilt and guilt. and the fight for his soul, adding a supernatural twist to the already established character. Wolverine complex.

4) He led the the X-Men

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Like Charles Xavier, Magneto or Scott Summers, Wolverine has also been the leader of the X-Men for a time. Indeed, after the Schism, event, the mutants tear each other apart. At the end of the Avengers vs. X-Men crossover, Scott and Logan diverge. The second then decides to leave the X-Men to found his own mutant school in memory of Professor Xavier. Rather than creating soldiers, Logan focuses his education on protecting mutants and training.

3) His blood can save lives

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Thanks to; Because of his healing factor, Wolverine's blood can also heal other people. His blood contains properties that can speed up the healing process in others. This ability little-known artist notably came to life in Enney of the State, where Wolverine used his blood to save the life of his teammate Northstar. His blood is therefore a rare commodity, which has also been exploited by other scientists like Mr Sinistre.

2) There are several Wolverine

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous Marvel mutant

Indeed, since the Secret Wars event, the characters from Earth-616 and Earth- 1610 (Ultimate)collide to give birth only’à a single reality shared. It’s the occasion of this mixture of universes as the Old Man Logan and Wolverinefound themselves in the same reality. Since then, the two characters have evolved side by side. side but only cross paths on rare occasions.

1) It is already there. mort

Wolverine: 13 things you didn't know about the famous mutant Marvel

It’s extremely difficult to kill Wolverine. We know it. However, the clawed mutant is already there. death at several occasions. The most famous is perhaps that of The Death of Wolverine in 2014. In this comic, Logan faces Dr. Cornelius. The latter manages to spill molten Adamantium onto Wolverine's body. The latter then finds himself locked up. à ever, covered with hardened Adamantium. Some think he died of asphyxiation, others that he waited years before being released. In House of M, Wolverine dies like many other mutants before reality sets in. is subsequently restored. In X-Men: The End, Wolverine sacrifices himself to save his companions, assassinated by by a Sentinel. Finally, in the film Logan, Wolverine passes the gun to another. left in a very moving sequence with X-23.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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