On December 18, the Verkhovna Rada adopted bill 12066 on the military register. Why is it needed and what are the conditions for maintaining it, “We – Ukraine” figured out.
How was the register introduced?
The possibility of creating a military register was initially included in bill 10062 on the digitalization of the army. But its final version, which was adopted on January 16, 2024, did not contain such provisions. At that time, it was envisaged to expand the possibilities for the register of conscripts, military conscripts and reservists Oberig and thus ensured the creation of Rezerv+.
After Reserve+, the Army+ application for the military began operating. Although the law did not include regulations on the registry, its final text contains two references to the State Web Portal of Electronic Public Services in the Field of National Security and Defense, the regulations for which must be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. This formulation made it possible to create the Army+.
“We definitely need this registry of military personnel. And we really weren't allowed to pass it through the regulations the first time, and the second time either. The people's deputies have concerns about this. First of all, security concerns, because we will collect information about all military personnel. This is truly the most sensitive information that must be treated with extreme caution, so this is a difficult task,” Artem Romanyukov, head of the digital transformation directorate of the Ministry of Defense, explained in July.
The Army+ application was launched without a military registry, but now the legislative framework is catching up with digitalization. Bill 12066, which was passed by deputies on December 18, concerns almost exclusively the military registry. What is written in it?
The following information about military personnel will be included in the register:
“The register will not contain official information, such as position, rank, military unit number or military specialty. This data is not needed for most social services and will be processed separately, without the possibility of external access to them,” assured Taras Yemchura, head of the Defense Policy sector of the BRDO.
The information will be stored during service and after dismissal, because it concerns records of military personnel who hold and have held positions. After the death of a military personnel, the information will be stored in the register for another 75 years.
The law states that the information in the register of military personnel must be uploaded within the framework of electronic interaction with other registers and systems of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Special Communications Service, intelligence agencies (GUR MOU, SZRU), special law enforcement agencies, central executive authorities (these ministries , state committees, state services, central bodies with special status), which manage the military formations.
Holder and administrator – Ministry of Defense. The structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be led and subordinated to them:
Structural subdivisions will also have access:
Where there is personnel, which includes military personnel, there is accounting and, accordingly, data entry in the register.
As Taras Yemchura explained, the Comprehensive Information Protection System (CISP) should be implemented. There should be a certificate about KSZI and all data processes after checks will meet state cyber security standards. Inspections now, explained Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chernogorenko, meet NATO standards.
Electronic information interaction was provided with :
It was stipulated that data on military personnel will be available only in the Ministry of Defense within the framework of interaction with registers held by the ministry. For the rest, the information will only be in the form of an electronic identifier – Military ID and the status of a military personnel. The information in the register is confidential.
The Office of Effective Regulation of the BRDO explained how the exchange will take place using an example. If this is an exchange with the register of individual taxpayers, then the tax code will be used and this will “ensure compatibility with external systems.” If the information exchange is within the Ministry of Defense, then it will be depersonalized with increased security Military ID.
“The uniqueness of the military personnel registry is that it contains a very limited set of data and this allows you to set up secure exchange with other state registries,” Yemchura noted.
That is, of all the data about the military, the registry will provide third-party systems that are not part of the Ministry of Defense with only the tax number.
In addition to the fact that it is being created for the purpose of creating and having a database, the law specifies another purpose. To provide military personnel with a Military ID, which will help identify them automatically, so that they and their family members can receive services, if such services are provided for military personnel in a special order.
“Army+ will use information from the Registry to provide military personnel with access to administrative and social services,” Oleksandr Fedienko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Security Committee, said.
As specified in the Ministry of Defense, Military ID will make it possible to make it more convenient to provide, in particular, social benefits, guarantees and bonus programs. The BRDO also added to the specified list a simplified transfer between military units and a faster resolution of service issues.
As Kateryna Chernogorenko explained, currently data on military personnel is in the Oberig registry or in separate personnel accounting systems with information that should not be made public and is sensitive. That is, about rank, position. Therefore, individual personnel systems cannot interact with other state ones. Due to the fact that data on military personnel due to the human factor may be “not where it should be, and in the wrong format”, some of them cannot log in to Army+.
It turns out that the military registry – it is also a filter by which the most important and sensitive information will be kept secret, and for other state registers only the information necessary for certain services will be provided for all serving or retiring military personnel. All this – primarily for their convenience.
To obtain benefits, subsidies for housing and communal services, preferential servicing of bank cards and loans, to improve housing conditions, a permit for weapons in a simplified manner, a stay of proceedings until the end of martial law, in particular, in civil cases, enforcement proceedings, military personnel must now issue a certificate of service from the commander of the military unit – form 5.
To do this, you need to submit a report, the commander will contact the clerk of the military unit. It is hardly a secret that reports sometimes get lost. That and in general it is bureaucracy and time. In addition, the certificate is valid only for a month, and, according to explanations of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it is generally desirable to update it every 10 days.
“It is assumed that with the help of the Register, servicemen will be able to receive most of the services, such as receiving annual basic leave, receiving financial assistance for recovery and dozens of others in a digital format, which will greatly simplify and speed up the process,” Fedienko said.
Chernogorenko added that the register will also help the military leadership in understanding the state of affairs with human resources.
The law adopted on December 18 must be signed by the president and the document will enter into force after its publication.
The Ministry of Defense will post information on the creation of a military registry on its website.
The Cabinet of Ministers must approve the procedure for the register. The law gives the government six months to change the regulatory framework. It is highly likely that this procedure will be for official use, as is the procedure for Reserve+, which is not publicly available.
As for the Oberig registry, the electronic office of which is Reserve+, the new law also contains changes.
The following data will be transferred from the electronic health care system to the registry of conscripts, military conscripts, and reservists:
Now, within the framework of interaction, the ESOH must transfer such data to the demographic register, the register of civil status acts, and the register of individual taxpayers. In all cases – and if a person is registered in the ESOH, and if it is planned to register him.
Currently, according to the basics of the legislation of Ukraine on healthcare, the transfer of medical information is not allowed during electronic interaction of the ESOH with other registers. According to the law, there will be an exception, and it will be possible to transfer information about medical examinations to determine suitability when interacting with the Ministry of Defense.
The law on the Oberig register specifies that the Ministry of Defense is also the body maintaining the register, in addition to the currently specified CCK and SP, SBU and intelligence agencies. It is also added there that the Ministry of Health must transfer information about medical examinations to the bodies maintaining the register to determine suitability.
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