
Keanu Reeves to play fan-favorite character

Keanu Reeves is turning to video games, or at least to an adaptation of a cult video game license. He…

2 weeks ago

Elon Musk: this drastic measure considered by the boss of Twitter/X.

Elon Musk will crack down, and users of X, formerly Twitter, will be the first to attack. pay the price…

2 weeks ago

Sherlock the Movie: the return of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman unlikely

Will we one day meet Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman in the roles of most famous detective in the world…

2 weeks ago

A new species of carnivorous ant called Voledemort

Recently, we learned that a new type of snake discovered had been discovered. named after Indiana Jones, and especially after…

2 weeks ago

Neymar Jr, Verstappen, Hayward: 5 famous athletes who are fans of video games

Over the years, video games have become widely popular. If we are to believe the most recent analyses, more than…

2 weeks ago

The Secrets of Healthy Eating: 7 Golden Rules Revealed

You may think that eating well is complicated, confusing, or boring, but I'm here to tell you that it doesn't…

2 months ago