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Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Apr19,2024

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Greetings from Volunteer Appreciation Day/Radio MAXIMUM Collage

The International Volunteer Appreciation Day is celebrated on April 20. On this occasion, Radio MAXIMUM urges you to thank your relatives and friends who are actively volunteering now.

After the start of the full-scale invasion – on February 24, 2022 – Ukraine showed the whole world that it has a very powerful volunteer movement . Our volunteers are able to take even a star from the sky, if only to bring them closer to victory and provide the defenders with everything they need. And Radio MAXIMUM urges you to find a few minutes to express your gratitude and respect to them!

Congratulations on Volunteer Appreciation Day

  • Short greetings
  • Greetings in prose
  • Greetings in verse
  • Greetings in pictures

Short congratulations on Volunteer Appreciation Day

Sincere congratulations on Volunteer Appreciation Day! Your selfless work is of great importance for our society and victory in the war!


Dear volunteers, you are the real titans of our time! The world is better because of your help and love for people.


I wish all volunteers good health, lots of energy and further success in the noble cause of helping others!


I am deeply grateful for your selfless work and boundless love for people. May all meetings be closed, and your ideas come to life.


Congratulations to all volunteers on the holiday! You are an example of generosity and self-sacrifice for all of us.


Volunteer Appreciation Day is a great opportunity to express gratitude for your important work. May your kindness be returned to you a hundred fold!


Your help and support inspires us all. May your extraordinary character and strength of spirit be with you always.


Dear volunteers, your invaluable work saves lives and provides assistance to those in need. You are real angels on earth.


Happy Volunteer Appreciation Day! May your good deeds bring you joy and a sense of deep satisfaction.


Your dedication and sacrifice make our world a better place. Thank you very much for your invaluable work and donation that brings us closer to victory.

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Greetings from Volunteer Appreciation Day in Prose

Dear volunteers! Today we celebrate your incredible self-sacrifice and boundless love for your neighbor. You are real heroes who give the light of hope in dark times. Your invaluable work has helped thousands of people find a way out of difficult life situations and believe in a better future.


On this day of appreciation, we want to express our sincere thanks to all the volunteers who give their time, effort and heart to bring us closer to victory. Your dedication and love for people adds hope and faith in a better future. May your good deed always be blessed, and may your paths be illuminated by the light of goodness and mercy.


Today we celebrate the Day of gratitude to volunteers – people who change the world for the better every day. Your selfless work and self-sacrifice is a great example to us all. You embody the best human qualities: kindness, mercy, devotion. May you always be accompanied by success in all matters, meetings close, and in life there are more reasons to smile.


Volunteering is a huge gift you bring to the world. Today we want to celebrate your unwavering commitment and sacrifice. Your invaluable work helps many people find a way out of difficult life situations and feel that they are not alone. May your every step be filled with kindness and great gratitude from those whom you have helped.


Today we honor you, dear volunteers, for your great work and dedication. You are those who never stop in the face of difficulties, who are always ready to help those in need. Your love for people and desire to change the world for the better inspire us all. We wish you good health, great energy and inspiration in all your noble deeds.


Dear volunteers! Today is your holiday. This is a day of gratitude for your selfless work and invaluable contributions to the development of our society. Your work has made the world a better place and people around you happier. You are true titans and we are very grateful for all you do.


Volunteering is not just a word, it is a way of life that changes the world around. Especially now, when we are all facing global evil. Today we want to celebrate your huge role in building a better future for our country. Your tireless work and dedication is an example for all of us. We wish you inexhaustible energy that will help you continue to give light and hope to those in need.


Congratulations, dear volunteers, on the holiday! Your work is an extraordinary contribution to the development of civil society and support for those in need. You are real magicians who can change the world around us. We wish you endless optimism and faith in your abilities to continue doing good.


Volunteer Appreciation Day is a time to pay tribute and thank you for your invaluable work. You, dear volunteers, have shown that true power lies in kindness and love for people. May each of your days be filled with a sense of pride in what you do.


Today we celebrate the Day of gratitude to volunteers – people with a big heart and unbreakable faith in a better future. Your invaluable work is a bright testimony that even one person can change the world. We wish you inexhaustible energy, new achievements and support in all your noble affairs.

 Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Poemed greetings for volunteers

I am proud of the Cossack spirit,
Unbreakable, strong and strong,
Powerful volunteer movement,
But how our people are strong-willed.
Invincible, invincible,
Who stood under the yellow-blue banner,
The only one, as never before, free,
Hard as a steel nail.
To those who do not pick up a weapon,
And, risking their lives,
Take gum convoys to the soldiers –
Dear friends, thank you.
Who weaves day and night and Sews,
Stews, roasts and bakes,
Who feeds, warms,
From God – is a volunteer.

Author: Oleksandr Kobylyakov

***< /p>

All volunteers are angels of goodness,
All volunteers are souls without borders.
Despite disagreements, even though times are difficult,
They bring us light in their palms.
All volunteers are from Ukraine shield,
They are the armor of an unbreakable country.
They will get a scarce deficit,
And they know all the routes and paths.
The whole world rests on their shoulders,
They are restless like titans.
Sometimes they wake up to the light,
And the cars are already full on the way.
All volunteers are angels of goodness,
Infinite goodness shines in their eyes.
Everything is not for the sake of gold and silver,
For the sake of those who are always waiting for them.< /p>

Author: Ksyushka Angel (Galanyuk)


And she thought the lace of the roads was happiness
Sleepless nights
Eternal search
When the task is beyond human strength
When the opportunities do not multiply the task
She was ready – everywhere and on time
For kilometers on foot to the zeros
To the borders of bloody atrocities
Into the labyrinth of trenches
Everything is possible – on time for the day before yesterday
And the impossible – yesterday she found it
They said that she is like a guard
She came down from the very sky to zero
Those boundaries –
Deadly with every step
She overcame hundreds, hundreds of times
For everyone who held a weapon there
She prayed
She prayed
She swore
Dresses and jewelry would fit her
That will come later
Then there will be happiness
Meanwhile, the struggle for peaceful days… Author: Lana Kraska br> Who helps others without payment,
Brings food to hospital wards,
Needs medicine, smiles to the bedridden
Gives without any return.
Who lifts a fallen spirit up,
Reads poems, dances and sings
For the sick, orphans, soldiers at the front
The sun draws them on the horizon.


I wish to multiply good deeds,
After all, this is the main task in our life !
Anyone in the world can become a volunteer,
It would only take a desire!


You do good, you give hope,
You create love, you make dreams come true.
You are always with them in soul and heart,
For them you are a friend and family.
You are like the sun that warms in the spring.
For them, you are like an Angel, that is always with you.
Thank you, volunteer!

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Congratulations to volunteers in pictures

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Volunteer Appreciation Day: original and beautiful holiday greetings

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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