The Social Insurance Institution appeals to pensioners to check their correspondence in April. < img src = "" alt = "urgent correspondence from ZUS for seniors. Key information in the upcoming lists" Style = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > In the coming weeks, the dw & oacute; ciem of the key document & oacute; in related to March valorisation of pensions and additional benefits. Importantly, the seniors will have only 30 days to appeal to one of them.
< p > This year's valorisation of retirement benefits was 5.5 percent, which means that the amount of basic payments for senior & oacute; in increased proportionally. The minimum pension from March 2025 is PLN 1,878.91 gross (PLN 1,709.81 net). The increase includes not only the pensioner & oacute; in, but R&MP; Oacute; bring the pensioner & oacute; in and persons receiving bridging benefits. < P >Another important financial support is the 13th pension, which & oacute; is exactly the same as the minimum pension after valorisation & ndash; PLN 1,878.91 gross. Importantly, seniors do not have to submit any additional applications & oacute; to receive & ampquo; thirteen & rdquo; & ndash; ZUS will automatically transfer money to them at the same dates as the basic pensions and disability pensions. < P >< Strong > The benefit will be paid in April on the following days: < ul > < li > 1 April (Tuesday)< li > 4 April (Friday)
< li > 10 April (Thursday)
< li > 15 April (Tuesday)
< li > 18 April (Friday)
< li > 25 April (Friday)
< p > with April transfers, ZUS will send ZUS to senior & oacute; with two important documents:
< ul > < li > Information about the granting of 13. Pension & ndash; contains the exact gross amount and net benefit.
< li > decision to valorize the pension or disability pension & ndash; with the new amount of benefit after the March increase.
< P >It is the latter document that you should check the detailed & oacute; If the senior notices any errors in the calculations or the amount of the benefit, he has the right to appeal. It is important, however, not to delay, because only 30 days from the date of delivery of the letter.
< p > in an interview with & ampquo; fact & rdquo; ZUS vice president, Paweł Jaroszek, revealed that this year's valorisation consumed PLN 17.79 billion. In total, taking into account all allowances and benefits, this sum reaches PLN 19.6 billion. Interestingly, ZARE & Oacute; Wno 13. and 14. The pension is financed from the state budget, and not from the agent & oacute; in ZUS.
< p > If the senior decides that the amount given in the valorisation decision is incorrect, he may appeal to ZUS in one of the square & oacute; wet or electronically by PUE ZUS. You can use the help of an adviser in the local branch of the institution.
< p > If ZUS rejects the appeal, the senior has the right to refer the case to the labor and social security court. It is worth remembering that any error in calculating a pension may affect further payments, so this case should not be underestimated.
< P >< Strong > ZUS reminds: keep both documents because they can be useful in the future & ndash; Detailed & oacute; for tax settlements and in the case of appeals. Seniors who will not receive correspondence in April, should contact the nearest branch of the Social Insurance Institution. < p > Each gold & oacute; so it counts, so it is worth checking the documents and & ndash; if necessary & ndash; demand the money due. Do not miss the 30-day date!< img src = "/uploads/blogs/21/3b/ib-FQVU4Diss_715237c6.jpg" Alt = "Ilon Musk posted and then deleted a post…
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