< img src = "/uploads/blogs/b0/2d/ib-Fr1q5j48k_ca7d2b71.jpeg" Alt = "Ukrainian developers created fractional adapters for automatic ammunition using 3D printing"/~ 62 < p >Volunteer Initiative & laquo; printer & raquo; presented a new development for the Ukrainian military & mdash; Print on a 3D printer fractional adapters for automatic rounds. Advanced technology allows usual cartridges to process into effective means of combating hostile drones. The initiative is aimed at providing the military with cheap and effective solutions that can be made at no significant cost, informs militaristic.
< P > Connectors are designed for calibers 5.45 & Times; 39 mm, 7.62 & Times; 39 mm and 5,56 & Times; 45 mm. They are equipped with a fraction with a diameter of 4.4 mm, which allows to increase the likelihood of a drone at a short distance. An important condition for use is the charging of each five -amp; Rsquo; a pad with a regular bullet to clean the barrel. This helps to avoid clogging and maintaining weapons in working condition.< p >< img SRC = "/Uploads/wysiwyg/%D0%90%D1%80%D1%82%D0%D0%D0%BC/07022025/Drobovi-perehidnyky-Pid-Pid-Avtomatni- Naboyi.jpg.web. Alt = "Drobovi-PEREHIDNYKY-PID-AVTOMATNI-NABOYI.WPG.WEBP (68 KB)" WIDTH = "556" Height = "768" /> 62 ~ /P > ~ ~ > 62 > 62 > 62 < blockquote > < P Data-Start = "783" Data-end = "1144" >0 ~ strong >Trials of adapters showed their effectiveness on various automatic weapons models such as & nbsp; Bren-2, DD & Nbsp; AR-15, SCAR, HK & NBSP; 433. However, the best results were achieved when using certain muzzle compensators, including the & laquo; tulip & raquo; with four slots. This confirms the importance of the correct approach to & nbsp; gear and & nbsp; operation of such ammunition.
~ ~ > 62 > 62 > 62 < P Data-Start = "1146" Data-end = "1509" > & laquo; printer & raquo; She has repeatedly proved that & nbsp; 3D printing can be useful for military needs. The community creates a variety of products, including drones, medical equipment and & nbsp; spare parts for small arms. All these developments are transmitted to the military for free, and & nbsp; the project itself calls for citizens to join the initiative & nbsp; & mdash; Like & nbsp; in & nbsp; donors and developers.
< P Data-Start = "1511" Data-end = "1902" data-is-last-node = "" Data-is-oly-node = "" > Interestingly, that & nbsp; like homemade fractional patrons. The Ukrainian approach has proven to be more systematic and technologically advanced, which & nbsp; allows you to adapt the development of different weapons. This approach can be & nbsp; one significant contribution to & nbsp; development of modern military technologies and & nbsp; Ukraine's defense capability.
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