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Top 5 secrets of Android operating system to help you pump your smartphone

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/02/ba/ib-fqhc68av5_c6fc9316. < p > We all think we know our smartphones on Android along and across, but these pocket powerful devices in the sleeve are more tricks than many users think.

~ ~ < p > which was always the main advantage of Android over iOS ? of course, flexibility of settings.

< p >Although Apple has been much more freedom over the years, Android still has a number of opportunities that & laquo; apples & raquo; can only envy.

< p > of course not & nbsp; everyone needs these opportunities, and if you like to use a gadget with & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; & laquo; with & nbsp; boxes & raquo; nbho; You completely will arrange.

< p > But if you & nbsp; nbsp; want to become a full owner of the device, for & nbsp; which has put a lot of money, then & nbsp; Android is still & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp. Moreover, some of the & nbsp; them with & nbsp; years are becoming more interesting.

< p > here is P & Rsquo; Yat secrets that will help you get the maximum from Android. Of course, secrets & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; a conventional term, gicks and advanced users successfully optimize their smartphones for & nbsp; nbsp; help. But the mass user they are mostly unknown.

< p > Home & nbsp; & mdash; Pam & Rsquo; pine that & nbsp; use a lot with & nbsp; these settings are better with & nbsp; great care. In & nbsp; some cases you & nbsp; can be more harm than achieving a positive result.

< H2 ID = "H2_PART1" > Unlock developer

< p > hidden from ordinary users, developer parameters & nbsp; & mdash; This & nbsp; treasury of extended settings that can significantly improve work with & nbsp; Android.

< p > that's how to open this & nbsp; secret menu and some of & nbsp; its most powerful features:

< p > how & nbsp; enable & nbsp; & laquo; developer parameters & raquo;:

< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; about phone & raquo;.

< p > 2. Scroll down to & nbsp; paragraph & nbsp; & laquo; assembly number & raquo;.

< p >3. Press & nbsp; & laquo; assembly number & raquo; seven times.

< p > 4. With & rsquo; a message & nbsp; & laquo; now you & nbsp; developer! & Amp; raquo;.

< p > 5. Return to & nbsp; main menu & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; and find the point & nbsp; & laquo; developer parameters & raquo;.

< P > Key developer options to increase Android performance:

< P > & mdash; & nbsp; force 4x msaa: this is & nbsp; graphic settings improves image quality in & nbsp; some applications and games. This is & nbsp; how & nbsp; on the smoothing in & nbsp; a phone that makes the edges smoother and & nbsp; graphic & nbsp; & mdash; mdash; clear. Warning: This & nbsp; can be affected by & nbsp; autonomous work.

< p >& mdash; & nbsp; background process restrictions: controls the number of applications that can work in & nbsp; background mode. By setting a value of 2 or 3 processes, you can significantly increase performance on & nbsp; old devices.

< P > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; a scale of animation animation, animation scale and animator duration scale: adjusting these parameters on & nbsp; on & nbsp; animation.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; adjustment of USB: allows you to interact with & nbsp; Nbsp; Comp & Rsquo; Euter, in particular, accelerate file transfer and run teams Adb & nbep; What are we & nbsp; let's talk below.

< H2 ID = "H2_PART1" > Adb: The hidden command center of your smartphone is

< p >Adb & nbsp; (Android debug bridge) & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; a powerful command of the command line that & nbsp; nbsp; enables you to interact with & nbsp; an Android device with & nbsp; computer; computer; RSQUO; Although it is intended primarily for developers, experienced users can use ADB for some interesting lifehacks.

< p > Adb settings:

< p > 1. Download and & nbsp; install Android SDK Platform Tools on & nbsp; your computer; rsquo; RSQUO; < p > 2. Turn on debugging on & nbsp; USB on & nbsp; phone & nbsp; (in & nbsp; & & laquo; developer parameters & raquo;).

~ ~ ~ > 62 > 62 < p > 3. Connect your phone to & nbsp; computer; Rsquo; Uuter via USB port

< p > 4. Open the command line or terminal on & nbsp; computer; RSQUO; UERIRI

< p > 5. Go to & nbsp; folder, in & nbsp; which you & nbsp; installed Platform Tools < p > 6. Enter `adb devices' to make sure that & nbsp; your phone is recognized.

< p > Here are some ADB teams for experienced users & nbsp; (but not & nbsp; nbsp; it is worth entering them in a random in & nbsp; nbsp; the order of experiment, first think about if & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; you really).

< p >& mdash; & nbsp; change the screen resolution:

< p > `adb shell wm & nbsp; size 1080 & Times; 1920

< p > this & nbsp; nbsp; will save battery charge on & nbsp; high resolution screens or forcibly set the higher resolution in & nbsp; some applications.

~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; customize dpi:

< p > `adb shell wm & nbsp; density 420`.

< P > This & nbsp; allows you to change the size < p > & mdash; & nbsp; set the applications remote:

< p > `adb install Path/to/App.App.

< p > will be in & nbsp; an adventure for installing applications inaccessible in & nbsp; your area, or old versions of applications.

~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; accept error message:

< p > `adb bugreport`.

< p >Creates a complete report on your device's status required to troubleshoot.

< P > & mdash; & nbsp; create a backup of the device:

< p > `adb backup -all -f c: backup.ab`.

< P > creates a full backup of the device, including with & nbsp; apps and their data.

< h2 id = "h2_part1" > tasker: automation on & nbsp; steroids

< p > tasker & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; a Swiss army knife for Android automation. Although it is & nbsp; paid app, its capabilities are far superior. That's how & nbsp; use its capabilities.

< p > Starting work with & nbsp; tasker:

< p > 1. Purchase and & nbsp; install tasker in & nbsp; Google Play.

< p > 2. Give him the necessary permits & nbsp; (he needs a lot to work)

< p > 3. Create a new profile & nbsp; (trigger) and bb & rsquo; rd it with task & nbsp; (action).

~ < P > Additional Lifhahs TASKER:

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; wi-fi on & nbsp; location base: automatic switching wi-fi when you & nbsp; is at home or on & nbsp; and shutdown when you & nbsp; go.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: status & gt; Location

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; task: network & gt; Wifi & gt; Enable

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; intellectual volume adjustment: adjusting the volume of the ringing melody depending on the surrounding noise.

~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: status & gt; Sensor & gt; Noise level

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; task: audio & gt; The call volume is

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; car rotation for certain applications: Turn on the car only in & nbsp; those applications where it is useful, such as YouTube or Gallery.

~ ~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: application & gt; [Select Apps]. < p >& mdash; & nbsp; task: display & gt; Auto -turn of the display & gt; Enable.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; battery savings: Create your own battery savings mode that is switched on & nbsp; a certain charge level by turning off unnecessary functions.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: status & gt; Battery charge level

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; tasks: many actions to turn off GPS, reduce brightness & nbsp; etc.

~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; NBC automation: use NFC labels to run tasks such as & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; automobile mode when you sit down in & nbsp; machine.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: status & gt; NFC

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; task: set variables for car mode & nbsp; (turn on Bluetooth, turn on GPS, run the music app).

~ ~ ~ ~ < H2 ID = "H2_PART1" > Make Hidden Battery Optimization Functions B & Nbsp; Android < p >Most users are aware of basic battery -saving tips, but in & nbsp; Android are less known features that can significantly extend the battery time without harming functionality.

~ ~ < H3 > Adaptive battery

< p > adaptive battery & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; a feature that & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; an artificial intelligence that studies the features of using applications and limits the battery charge to the rarely used applications. That's how & nbsp; get from & nbsp; this maximum benefit:

< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery & raquo; & gt; & laquo; adaptive battery & raquo;.

< p > 2. Make sure it is on.

< p > 3. Give her time to study your habits & nbsp; (usually a week or two).

< p >4. Verify battery use data to find out which applications are limited.

< H3 > Battery Flow Optimization for each program

< p > for detailed control over how & nbsp; apps spending battery charge:

< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; settings & gt; Applications and & nbsp; notifications & gt; View all applications.

< p > 2. Select the app, then go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; additional & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery & raquo;.

< p > 3. Select & nbsp; & laquo; optimize & raquo ;, & laquo; not & nbsp; optimize & raquo; or & nbsp; & laquo; limited & raquo;.

< p > Use & nbsp; & laquo; restricted & raquo; For apps that you rarely use but not & nbsp; want to delete. Be careful with & nbsp; messages to exchange, as their restriction can lead to & nbsp; notifications.

< h3 >Dark mode and battery charge

< p > on & nbsp; phones with & nbsp; oled- or AMOLED-screens use of dark mode allows you to significantly save battery charge:

~ ~ < p > 1. Go to & nbsp; menu & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; display & raquo; & gt; & laquo; dark theme & raquo;.

< p > 2. Turn on & nbsp; & laquo; schedule & raquo;, to automatically switch to & nbsp; dark at night.

~ ~ < p > 3. Many applications now support a system -wide dark mode but you & nbsp; can also check separate applications on & nbsp; availability of this feature.

< H3 > Battery Save Scaution < p > Set up the automatic battery savings schedule:

< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery charge & raquo;.

< p >2. Press & nbsp; & laquo; set up a schedule & raquo;.

< p > 3. Select & nbsp; & laquo; on & nbsp; based on your regulations & raquo; or & nbsp; & laquo; on & nbsp; a percentage & raquo;.

< p > Option on & nbsp; a day rowing, uses artificial intelligence to predict when you & nbsp; nbsp; next time charge your phone and activates Battery Saver.

~ < p > Detection and & nbsp; control of applications that & nbsp; spending a battery charge

< p > Use Android built -in tools to search for apps that & nbsp; consume energy:

< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery use & raquo;.

< p > 2. Find the apps that strongly spent battery.

< p > 3. For problem apps, consider the following options:

< p >& nbsp; & mdash; Remove or replace them with

< p > & nbsp; & mdash; Background Data Restriction

< p > & nbsp; & mdash; Disabling unnecessary messages

< p > Pam & Rsquo; PEOPS that & nbsp; some battery charge is & nbsp; a normal phenomenon for frequently used applications. Focus on & nbsp; optimization of applications that consume a lot of energy compared to & nbsp; how & nbsp; you use them.

< H2 ID = "H2_PART1" > Make a split screen and floating windows Android

< p > Multifoliance in & nbsp; Android has taken a step forward, and these features can significantly increase your performance. That's how & nbsp; get from & nbsp; them maximum benefit:

< H3 > Separate screen mode

< p >A separate screen allows you to use two applications at the same time that is ideal for finding information or work in & nbsp; multitasking mode:

< p > 1. Open the first app you & nbsp; want to use

< p > 2. Slide the finger up from the bottom of the screen to open the window & nbsp; & laquo; recent applications & raquo;.

~ < p > 3. Click on the application icon in & nbsp; top preview of applications.

< p > 4. Select & nbsp; & laquo; divide screen & raquo;.

< p > 5. Choose the second app from the recent application list or on & nbsp; main screen.

< p > Tips on working with & nbsp; split screen:

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; drag the divider in the middle to change the window size.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; in & nbsp; landscape mode you & nbsp; nbsp; can have two almost full -size applications nearby one with & nbsp; nbsp; one

~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; not & nbsp; all programs support the separate screen mode

< h3 >Floating windows & nbsp; (picture in & nbsp; pictures)

< p > Some apps such as YouTube and Google Maps, support floating windows:

< p > 1. Start watching video in & nbsp; youtube or navigation in & nbsp; maps.

< p > 2. Press the Home button or slide up to go home.

< p > 3. The app will decrease to & nbsp; a small floating window.

< p > to interact with & nbsp; floating window:

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; click on & nbsp; it to go to & nbsp; nbsp; playing playback.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; drag it on & nbsp; screen

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; drag it into & nbsp; lower screen to close.

~ < H3 > Appendices & nbsp; (Samsung devices)

< p >

< p >If u & nbsp; you have a Samsung device, you & nbsp; you can create pairs of apps for commonly used combinations of split screen:

< p > 1. Open the EDGE panel

< p > 2. Click the & nbsp; & laquo;+& raquo;, to create a new pair of applications.

< p > 3. Choose two apps you & nbsp; want to combine.

< p > 4. Name a couple of apps and save it.

< p > now you & nbsp; can run both applications in & nbsp; split screen mode by one press.

< H3 > pop window & nbsp; (Samsung devices)

< P > Samsung also offers Popup View feature for floating apps:

< p > 1. Open the submission & nbsp; & laquo; recent applications & raquo;.

< p > 2. Click on the application icon in & nbsp; the top of the app view.

< p > 3. Select & nbsp; & laquo; open in & nbsp; a pop -up window & raquo;.

< p > you & nbsp; nbsp; can change the size and move the pop -up windows and even roll them in & nbsp; small bubbles that remain on & nbsp; screen.

~ ~ < h3 > Improved multitasking for & nbsp; help with gestures

< p > on & nbsp; many Android devices for rapid switching between applications can be used by gestures:

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; draw with your finger left or right navigation panel & nbsp; (or lower screen for & nbsp; gesture; /p > < p > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; draw up and & nbsp; hold it, and & nbsp; then draw with your finger left or right to turn the recent applications.

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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