< img src = "/uploads/blogs/02/ba/ib-fqhc68av5_c6fc9316. < p > We all think we know our smartphones on Android along and across, but these pocket powerful devices in the sleeve are more tricks than many users think.
~ ~ < p > which was always the main advantage of Android over iOS ? of course, flexibility of settings.
< p >Although Apple has been much more freedom over the years, Android still has a number of opportunities that & laquo; apples & raquo; can only envy.
< p > of course not & nbsp; everyone needs these opportunities, and if you like to use a gadget with & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; & laquo; with & nbsp; boxes & raquo; nbho; You completely will arrange.
< p > But if you & nbsp; nbsp; want to become a full owner of the device, for & nbsp; which has put a lot of money, then & nbsp; Android is still & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp. Moreover, some of the & nbsp; them with & nbsp; years are becoming more interesting.
< p > here is P & Rsquo; Yat secrets that will help you get the maximum from Android. Of course, secrets & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; a conventional term, gicks and advanced users successfully optimize their smartphones for & nbsp; nbsp; help. But the mass user they are mostly unknown.
< p > Home & nbsp; & mdash; Pam & Rsquo; pine that & nbsp; use a lot with & nbsp; these settings are better with & nbsp; great care. In & nbsp; some cases you & nbsp; can be more harm than achieving a positive result.
< H2 ID = "H2_PART1" > Unlock developer
< p > hidden from ordinary users, developer parameters & nbsp; & mdash; This & nbsp; treasury of extended settings that can significantly improve work with & nbsp; Android.
< p > that's how to open this & nbsp; secret menu and some of & nbsp; its most powerful features:
< p > how & nbsp; enable & nbsp; & laquo; developer parameters & raquo;:
< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; about phone & raquo;.
< p > 2. Scroll down to & nbsp; paragraph & nbsp; & laquo; assembly number & raquo;.
< p >3. Press & nbsp; & laquo; assembly number & raquo; seven times.
< p > 4. With & rsquo; a message & nbsp; & laquo; now you & nbsp; developer! & Amp; raquo;.
< p > 5. Return to & nbsp; main menu & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; and find the point & nbsp; & laquo; developer parameters & raquo;.
< P > Key developer options to increase Android performance:
< P > & mdash; & nbsp; force 4x msaa: this is & nbsp; graphic settings improves image quality in & nbsp; some applications and games. This is & nbsp; how & nbsp; on the smoothing in & nbsp; a phone that makes the edges smoother and & nbsp; graphic & nbsp; & mdash; mdash; clear. Warning: This & nbsp; can be affected by & nbsp; autonomous work.
< p >& mdash; & nbsp; background process restrictions: controls the number of applications that can work in & nbsp; background mode. By setting a value of 2 or 3 processes, you can significantly increase performance on & nbsp; old devices.
< P > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; a scale of animation animation, animation scale and animator duration scale: adjusting these parameters on & nbsp; on & nbsp; animation.
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; adjustment of USB: allows you to interact with & nbsp; Nbsp; Comp & Rsquo; Euter, in particular, accelerate file transfer and run teams Adb & nbep; What are we & nbsp; let's talk below.
< H2 ID = "H2_PART1" > Adb: The hidden command center of your smartphone is
< p >Adb & nbsp; (Android debug bridge) & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; a powerful command of the command line that & nbsp; nbsp; enables you to interact with & nbsp; an Android device with & nbsp; computer; computer; RSQUO; Although it is intended primarily for developers, experienced users can use ADB for some interesting lifehacks.
< p > Adb settings:
< p > 1. Download and & nbsp; install Android SDK Platform Tools on & nbsp; your computer; rsquo; RSQUO; < p > 2. Turn on debugging on & nbsp; USB on & nbsp; phone & nbsp; (in & nbsp; & & laquo; developer parameters & raquo;).
~ ~ ~ > 62 > 62 < p > 3. Connect your phone to & nbsp; computer; Rsquo; Uuter via USB port
< p > 4. Open the command line or terminal on & nbsp; computer; RSQUO; UERIRI
< p > 5. Go to & nbsp; folder, in & nbsp; which you & nbsp; installed Platform Tools < p > 6. Enter `adb devices' to make sure that & nbsp; your phone is recognized.< p > Here are some ADB teams for experienced users & nbsp; (but not & nbsp; nbsp; it is worth entering them in a random in & nbsp; nbsp; the order of experiment, first think about if & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; you really).
< p >& mdash; & nbsp; change the screen resolution:
< p > `adb shell wm & nbsp; size 1080 & Times; 1920
< p > this & nbsp; nbsp; will save battery charge on & nbsp; high resolution screens or forcibly set the higher resolution in & nbsp; some applications.
~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; customize dpi:
< p > `adb shell wm & nbsp; density 420`.
< P > This & nbsp; allows you to change the size < p > & mdash; & nbsp; set the applications remote:
< p > `adb install Path/to/App.App.
< p > will be in & nbsp; an adventure for installing applications inaccessible in & nbsp; your area, or old versions of applications.
~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; accept error message:
< p > `adb bugreport`.
< p >Creates a complete report on your device's status required to troubleshoot.
< P > & mdash; & nbsp; create a backup of the device:
< p > `adb backup -all -f c: backup.ab`.
< P > creates a full backup of the device, including with & nbsp; apps and their data.
< h2 id = "h2_part1" > tasker: automation on & nbsp; steroids
< p > tasker & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; a Swiss army knife for Android automation. Although it is & nbsp; paid app, its capabilities are far superior. That's how & nbsp; use its capabilities.
< p > Starting work with & nbsp; tasker:
< p > 1. Purchase and & nbsp; install tasker in & nbsp; Google Play.
< p > 2. Give him the necessary permits & nbsp; (he needs a lot to work)
< p > 3. Create a new profile & nbsp; (trigger) and bb & rsquo; rd it with task & nbsp; (action).
~ < P > Additional Lifhahs TASKER:
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; wi-fi on & nbsp; location base: automatic switching wi-fi when you & nbsp; is at home or on & nbsp; and shutdown when you & nbsp; go.
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: status & gt; Location
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; task: network & gt; Wifi & gt; Enable
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; intellectual volume adjustment: adjusting the volume of the ringing melody depending on the surrounding noise.
~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: status & gt; Sensor & gt; Noise level
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; task: audio & gt; The call volume is
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; car rotation for certain applications: Turn on the car only in & nbsp; those applications where it is useful, such as YouTube or Gallery.
~ ~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: application & gt; [Select Apps]. < p >& mdash; & nbsp; task: display & gt; Auto -turn of the display & gt; Enable.< p > & mdash; & nbsp; battery savings: Create your own battery savings mode that is switched on & nbsp; a certain charge level by turning off unnecessary functions.
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: status & gt; Battery charge level< p > & mdash; & nbsp; tasks: many actions to turn off GPS, reduce brightness & nbsp; etc.
~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; NBC automation: use NFC labels to run tasks such as & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; automobile mode when you sit down in & nbsp; machine.
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; profile: status & gt; NFC
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; task: set variables for car mode & nbsp; (turn on Bluetooth, turn on GPS, run the music app).
~ ~ ~ ~ < H2 ID = "H2_PART1" > Make Hidden Battery Optimization Functions B & Nbsp; Android < p >Most users are aware of basic battery -saving tips, but in & nbsp; Android are less known features that can significantly extend the battery time without harming functionality.
~ ~ < H3 > Adaptive battery< p > adaptive battery & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; a feature that & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; an artificial intelligence that studies the features of using applications and limits the battery charge to the rarely used applications. That's how & nbsp; get from & nbsp; this maximum benefit:
< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery & raquo; & gt; & laquo; adaptive battery & raquo;.
< p > 2. Make sure it is on.
< p > 3. Give her time to study your habits & nbsp; (usually a week or two).
< p >4. Verify battery use data to find out which applications are limited.
< H3 > Battery Flow Optimization for each program< p > for detailed control over how & nbsp; apps spending battery charge:
< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; settings & gt; Applications and & nbsp; notifications & gt; View all applications.
< p > 2. Select the app, then go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; additional & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery & raquo;.
< p > 3. Select & nbsp; & laquo; optimize & raquo ;, & laquo; not & nbsp; optimize & raquo; or & nbsp; & laquo; limited & raquo;.
< p > Use & nbsp; & laquo; restricted & raquo; For apps that you rarely use but not & nbsp; want to delete. Be careful with & nbsp; messages to exchange, as their restriction can lead to & nbsp; notifications.
< h3 >Dark mode and battery charge
< p > on & nbsp; phones with & nbsp; oled- or AMOLED-screens use of dark mode allows you to significantly save battery charge:
~ ~ < p > 1. Go to & nbsp; menu & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; display & raquo; & gt; & laquo; dark theme & raquo;.
< p > 2. Turn on & nbsp; & laquo; schedule & raquo;, to automatically switch to & nbsp; dark at night.
~ ~ < p > 3. Many applications now support a system -wide dark mode but you & nbsp; can also check separate applications on & nbsp; availability of this feature.
< H3 > Battery Save Scaution < p > Set up the automatic battery savings schedule:
< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery charge & raquo;.
< p >2. Press & nbsp; & laquo; set up a schedule & raquo;.
< p > 3. Select & nbsp; & laquo; on & nbsp; based on your regulations & raquo; or & nbsp; & laquo; on & nbsp; a percentage & raquo;.
< p > Option on & nbsp; a day rowing, uses artificial intelligence to predict when you & nbsp; nbsp; next time charge your phone and activates Battery Saver.
~ < p > Detection and & nbsp; control of applications that & nbsp; spending a battery charge
< p > Use Android built -in tools to search for apps that & nbsp; consume energy:
< p > 1. Go to & nbsp; partition & nbsp; & laquo; settings & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery & raquo; & gt; & laquo; battery use & raquo;.
< p > 2. Find the apps that strongly spent battery.
< p > 3. For problem apps, consider the following options:
< p >& nbsp; & mdash; Remove or replace them with
< p > & nbsp; & mdash; Background Data Restriction
< p > & nbsp; & mdash; Disabling unnecessary messages< p > Pam & Rsquo; PEOPS that & nbsp; some battery charge is & nbsp; a normal phenomenon for frequently used applications. Focus on & nbsp; optimization of applications that consume a lot of energy compared to & nbsp; how & nbsp; you use them.
< H2 ID = "H2_PART1" > Make a split screen and floating windows Android
< p > Multifoliance in & nbsp; Android has taken a step forward, and these features can significantly increase your performance. That's how & nbsp; get from & nbsp; them maximum benefit:
< H3 > Separate screen mode
< p >A separate screen allows you to use two applications at the same time that is ideal for finding information or work in & nbsp; multitasking mode:
< p > 1. Open the first app you & nbsp; want to use
< p > 2. Slide the finger up from the bottom of the screen to open the window & nbsp; & laquo; recent applications & raquo;.
~ < p > 3. Click on the application icon in & nbsp; top preview of applications.
< p > 4. Select & nbsp; & laquo; divide screen & raquo;.
< p > 5. Choose the second app from the recent application list or on & nbsp; main screen.
< p > Tips on working with & nbsp; split screen:
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; drag the divider in the middle to change the window size.
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; in & nbsp; landscape mode you & nbsp; nbsp; can have two almost full -size applications nearby one with & nbsp; nbsp; one
~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; not & nbsp; all programs support the separate screen mode
< h3 >Floating windows & nbsp; (picture in & nbsp; pictures)
< p > Some apps such as YouTube and Google Maps, support floating windows:
< p > 1. Start watching video in & nbsp; youtube or navigation in & nbsp; maps.
< p > 2. Press the Home button or slide up to go home.
< p > 3. The app will decrease to & nbsp; a small floating window.
< p > to interact with & nbsp; floating window:
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; click on & nbsp; it to go to & nbsp; nbsp; playing playback.
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; drag it on & nbsp; screen
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; drag it into & nbsp; lower screen to close.
~ < H3 > Appendices & nbsp; (Samsung devices)
< p >
< p >If u & nbsp; you have a Samsung device, you & nbsp; you can create pairs of apps for commonly used combinations of split screen:
< p > 1. Open the EDGE panel
< p > 2. Click the & nbsp; & laquo;+& raquo;, to create a new pair of applications.
< p > 3. Choose two apps you & nbsp; want to combine.
< p > 4. Name a couple of apps and save it.
< p > now you & nbsp; can run both applications in & nbsp; split screen mode by one press.
< H3 > pop window & nbsp; (Samsung devices)
< P > Samsung also offers Popup View feature for floating apps:
< p > 1. Open the submission & nbsp; & laquo; recent applications & raquo;.
< p > 2. Click on the application icon in & nbsp; the top of the app view.
< p > 3. Select & nbsp; & laquo; open in & nbsp; a pop -up window & raquo;.
< p > you & nbsp; nbsp; can change the size and move the pop -up windows and even roll them in & nbsp; small bubbles that remain on & nbsp; screen.
~ ~ < h3 > Improved multitasking for & nbsp; help with gestures
< p > on & nbsp; many Android devices for rapid switching between applications can be used by gestures:
< p > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; draw with your finger left or right navigation panel & nbsp; (or lower screen for & nbsp; gesture; /p > < p > & mdash; & nbsp; nbsp; draw up and & nbsp; hold it, and & nbsp; then draw with your finger left or right to turn the recent applications.
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