Tomasz Jakubiak could not resist. He does not hide that his heart is bursting. < img src = "" Alt = "Tomasz Jakubiak/Instagram @Tomaszjakubiak" styles = "background-color: rgba (114,85,80,1)" > < p > as the portal reminds the portal & onet & Tomasz Jakubiak fights cancer. Recently, the chef Wr & Amp; Oacutene from Israel, where he underwent therapy. Although the disease does not give Jakubiak to winning, he tries not to give up. B & oacute; l and the enormity of suffering does not stop him from doing what he loves. Commands the last recording.
< P >< Strong > Tomasz Jakubiak sets the disease < P > Tomasz Jakubiak tries to remain in constant contact with his supporters. The chef regularly shares what is happening to him. He is not afraid of opening M & oacute; that it is not always easy. Former juror & ampquo; master chef & rdquo; He admits that B & Amp; Oacute; L is often overpowering, but he still tries not to give up.< p > proves this one of the latest recordings on which & oacute; Rym Jakubiak showed that despite suffering and illness he does not give up his passion. He admitted that he was difficult to look at the fact that anyone could enter the kitchen, but not him. Decided to do something about it.
< P >“Bdquo; after a few days of proving the family that I can already stand on my feet and cook something, because my heart is already bursting, that everyone enters the kitchen, but not me & & ndash; Jakubiak said in the aforementioned relationship.
< P > < img src = "" Alt = "Report of Tomasz Jakubiak/Instagram @Tomaszjakubiak" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < P >< Strong > Jakubiak is working on a new book< p > WSP; Oacute; Family cooking is not the only one & oacute; d that even the disease is not able to tear the chef from what he loves. Some time ago, Tomasz Jakubiak admitted that he is working on another book, which is to be fully dedicated to meat. For this purpose, the chef visited the bookstores in Israel to look for inspiration.
< p > as he admits, & ampquo; reading these books is not so easy, because they are all written in Hebrew, so at least I have some fun with the phone and translation. It will be a large book & Amp; Rdquo;. The chef hopes that the publication will go to bookstores already in the spring of this year. < p >< blockquote class = "instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink = " "Data-Instgrm -version =" 12 "style =" Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); ">< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/32/30/IB-FQVF0DQGR_4999EA2A6.jpg" Alt = "Turkish developers integrated a new anti-correspondent missile ATMACA…
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