Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Created an invisible shield that can hide several people

Created a shield -invisibility/Daily Mail

Developers of the British company Invisibility Shield have invented an invisible shield that can hide a hidden object, including several people. It is portable and quite large.

The basis of the shield technology is a set of optical lenses that scatter a vertical strip of light and cause the effect of the object disappearing. The Daily Mail writes about it.

The height of the invention is 183 centimeters, and the width is 122 centimeters. Almost its entire surface is functional and can hide anything that fits behind it.

Unlike Harry Potter's cloak, it is large enough to hide several people, the journalists noted.

Interestingly, a unique item can even be purchased for £699. According to the developers, the best invention works on a uniform background. The shield can be held and moved with the help of special handles, while remaining unnoticed, the company said.

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