Major changes in Michał Rachoń's program. In the background, TVP's lawsuit and court ruling.
As indicated by the portal „Goniec&rdqu;, after the court ruling, Telewizja Republika had to make significant changes to the program hosted by Michał Rachoń. What exactly has changed?
Major changes in Michał Rachoń's program
According to the January court ruling, Telewizja Republika had to make major changes to the program hosted by Michał Rachoń on the station. The station cannot use the existing designations such as „#Jedziemy” or “#Jedziemy @michalrachon”. The reason is that they are too similar to the trademarks used by TVP.
Although the aforementioned case was related to the aforementioned designations, in Monday's edition of his program, Rachoń indicated that his program may undergo deeper changes, such as changing its current title. However, he did not decide to reveal more details, indicating that the station would soon provide more information on the subject.
The changes were, however, already visible to the naked eye on Monday. Viewers of the Rachonia program did not see either the characteristic logo or the opening theme song that always started the program.
The case began in March
The conflict between TVP and TV Republika began in March 2024. It was then that Telewizja Polska filed a lawsuit in court, demanding that Tomasz Sakiewicz's station stop using, among other things, names that, according to the public broadcaster, not only violated copyrights, but also constituted unfair competition.
As indicated by the „Goniec” portal, the amount of claims reached one million zlotys. Although TVP can trumpet success in connection with the use of individual designations, it unfortunately did not manage to fight for the suspension of the program.
How do you assess the whole situation?
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