< IMG LOADING = "Lazy" SRSC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Medium/AFP-Image/2023-02/2321691B1923C172AB23A149D7121E8193AD420F.JPG ? iTok = -AfGYQSQ width = "1300" height = "867" alt = "in France, total production of ' electricity s ' is indeed collapsed at & its low level since" class = "lazyload img -fluid image-Style-Max-1300x1300 " SRC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Max_1300x1300/Public/AFP-Image/2023-02/2321691B1923C172AB23A149D7121E8193AD420F.JPG ? Itok = FW04QMW"/ AFP/Archives - Damien Meyer < P >< Strong > From 2026, a controversial reform of the electricity market could increase the prices for French consumers by 19%, or 250 € more per year for a average home. The UFC-Que Choisir shouts in manipulation, but Bercy defends its calculations.
< P >The French government seems to have found a new way of discreetly increasing the invoices of the French, and the UFC-Que Choisir did not fail to point this drift. According to the association, the reform in preparation for 2026, supposed to replace the current system, could lead to a “massive increase” of electricity prices, placing consumers in front of an additional burden. “If this reform comes into force this year, this would amount to an increase of 19% of the prices, or about 250 € more for an average home,” alerts the UFC-Que Choisir from the < EM > AFP . A calculation that raises questions on the veracity of current economic forecasts, while the wholesale prices of electricity experience unpredictable variations. < P > the UFC-Que Choisir Justifies his projections on the uncertainty concerning the fixing of regulated prices from 2026. For example, a household consuming 6000 kWh per year could see his invoice Increase by € 233. The association also deplores the shyness of the measures proposed by the government to redistribute EDF's profits, stressing that only a small portion of household consumption would really be concerned by these aids. In other words, the promised solidarity would be well insufficient in the face of an already inevitable increase. < P >But Bercy doesn't hear it that ear. According to the Ministry of the Economy, Critics of the UFC-Que Choisir are “biased” and do not take into account the upcoming adjustments. The government ensures that the repayment mechanisms provided for in the finance law will guarantee that the prices on January 1, 2026 remain close to the current levels. According to their simulations, the supply “smoothed over two years” will absorb increases and reach “price stability”. But this optimistic vision is struggling to convince, while we are moving towards increased liberalization of the electricity market, with a complete passage to a competitive market model. < P >< Strong > The article you liked ? It mobilized our editorial staff which only lives from your gifts. < Br > Information has a cost, especially since competition from subsidized writing requires additional rigor and professionalism. < P > With your support, France-Soir will continue to offer its articles free of charge & nbsp; we think that everyone must have access to free and independent information to forge their own opinion. < /p > < P > You are the sine qua non condition for our existence, support us for France-Soir to remain the French media which makes the most legitimate express.Bad news for Karol Nawrocki. The latest survey leaves no illusions. The PiS candidate recorded…
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