< img src = "/uploads/blogs/6f/f4/ib-FQS30n4c7_9316240d.jpg" Alt = "The world of technology will change forever: superconductors will be able to work at room temperature"/> < P > Scientists have determined that superconductivity can exist in the temperature range from 100 to 1000 Celvin. It is worth noting that the range 293 to 298 K corresponds to the temperature from 20 to 25 & Deg; C.
< p >A group of researchers from the University of London Queen Maria in her new study revealed factors that affect the upper limit and the maximum temperature range suitable for superconductivity, & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; interestingenGineering.com.62 < p > Using fundamental constants, scientists have determined that superconductivity can exist in the temperature range of 100 to 1000 Celvin. It is worth noting that the range 293 to 298 K corresponds to the temperature from 20 to 25 & Deg; C.
< p >Superconductors & nbsp; & mdash; These are revolutionary materials that can turn everything from health to energy and quantum computing. But there is one fever & mdash; They operate at extremely low temperatures (close to absolute zero). This restriction makes it possible to reveal all their potential. To solve this problem, scientists are actively working on superconductors at room temperature, but they often ask themselves questions & mdash; Is there an upper temperature limit for superconductivity ?< P > The answer to this question is crucial to determine whether superconductivity can really exist at room temperature. For example, if the theoretical upper limit exists below room temperature, then the achievement of superconductivity at room temperature will be fundamentally impossible.
< P > The authors of the study shed light on the role of fundamental physical constants such as electron mass, constant bar (H), electron charge and constant thin structure (& alpha;). It is already known that these constants “control all & mdash; from the stability of atoms to the formation of stars and the synthesis of carbon and other elements needed for life”.
~ < p >For example, in any solid body, atoms fluctuate around fixed positions through thermal energy. The speed of these oscillations depends on two key factors: communication strength and atomic mass. Both of these factors are determined by quantum mechanics and electromagnetism, which are regulated by fundamental constants.
< P > Analyzing how these constants affect atomic interactions, the study authors found that constants establish a strict upper limit of how quickly atoms can vibrate in solid materials. This means that there is the maximum possible frequency for phonons.
< P > In many superconductors, phonons play a crucial role in the paired formation of electrons (couper pairs), which provides superconductivity. The frequency of phonons affects the strength of this mating and, in turn, determines the maximum possible temperature (TC) at which superconductivity may occur.
< p > Since the fundamental constants impose the upper limit at the frequency of phonons, they also impose a theoretical restriction on how high the TC can be in superconductors. This means that “the upper limit of TC superconductivity is inextricably linked to the fundamental constants of nature & mdash; electron mass, electron charge and constant bar”, & mdash; Note the authors of the study.
< P > “The fact that superconductivity at room temperature is theoretically possible, given the constants of the universe, will encourage. This call to continue to investigate, experiment and expand the boundaries of the possible”, & mdash; stated researchers.
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