New benchmark leaks shed light on Samsung's base Galaxy S25 model. This model will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite processor that runs at a lower clock speed than the Galaxy S25 Ultra. Researchers have found that the overclocked Snapdragon 8 Elite that powers the base Galaxy S25 doesn't deliver the same performance as the Galaxy S25 Ultra. Geekbench 6 test results showed that the single-core and multi-core performance of the base model is lower than that of its more advanced sibling.
It is interesting to note that an updated version of the Snapdragon 8 Elite with a performance core frequency of 4.47 GHz was spotted in Geekbench 6 on the Galaxy S25 Ultra. The same configuration was also found on the base model of the Galaxy S25 with the model number SM-S931B.
It is also worth noting that the base model of the Galaxy S25 was tested with 12 GB of RAM. This fact could mean that Samsung is aiming to create a powerful and productive flagship smartphone, even in the basic configuration.
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