The Center for Countering Disinformation has refuted a fake about Russia's ability to produce 25 “Oreshnik” missiles per month, which was spread in the media. As the head of the CSD of the National Security and Defense Council Andriy Kovalenko pointed out, the information about the stamping of this intercontinental ballistic missile is a deliberate fake.
The information about Russia's ability to produce 25 “Oreshniks” per month is not true, — wrote Kovalenko in Telegram.
According to him, the publication through which this disinformation was spread to the English-speaking world is a kind of lining for the legitimization of information beneficial to the Russian Federation and its further dissemination.
As Kovalenko pointed out, as a result of sanctions in Russia, the cycle of production of high-tech missiles has significantly slowed down.
Yes, they produce the Kh-101 or Caliber and accumulate them due to the intensive use of shaheds. However, the production of more technological missiles, such as the Kinzhal, is limited. And the “nut” is an even more technological cycle, so the information about the stamping of this ICBM is a deliberate fake, — wrote the head of the Central Intelligence Agency.
According to him, the purpose of the launch — is to spread fear in Western societies.
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