< img src = "/uploads/blogs/55/9b/ib-fraakvr7c_c8d27f03.jpg" Alt = "woman, hoping to get a valuable parcel from" foreigner ", lost 70 thousand hryvnias"/> < p > a resident of Zvyagel region, hoping to get a valuable parcel from & laquo; foreigner & raquo;, lost 70 thousand hryvnias. When she realized she was cheated on the police.
< p > 39-year-old applicant said that a few weeks ago she met a US serviceman on the social network. According to a new friend, he was on treatment in Syria after a injury.
< p >Subsequently, the man asked the woman her mailing address, they say, wants to send his valuable things and awards to Ukraine. She agreed to accept the property, so the interlocutor wrote off that in the future on this issue it would communicate with it & rsquo; yer.
< P > In a few days a woman received a message from a stranger about the arrival of the parcel to the border. However, some fees had to be paid to receive it, so the woman transferred 40 thousand hryvnias. On the same day & laquo; Cur & rsquo; yer & raquo; Again, he sent a notification of payment of another 30 thousand hryvnias to a bank account. The recipient also fulfilled this requirement. Only later, and when & laquo; foreigner & raquo; and & laquo; Cur & rsquo; yer & raquo; ceased to go out on the zlamp; rsquo; liarus, the woman realized that she believed fraudsters.
< p > now on the specified fact the police of the Zvyagel regional department is conducting a pre -trial investigation under Art. 190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
< P > At the same time, law enforcement officers warn:
< p >– be reasonable during virtual communication, Pam & Rsquo; Father that on the other side of the screen can be anyone with a fictional story about yourself and not always honest intentions;
~ ~ < p >– don't retell money to strangers, especially to virtual friends with whom you never seen;
< P >– Do not place your personal data on social networks, home address, property information, photographs of documents, jewelry, valuable things, etc., because you can attract the attention of malefactors.
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