The communion season is getting closer, and with it the growing costs of organizing the ceremony. < img src = "" alt = "Holy Communion/Screen YouTube" styles = "background-color: rgba (137,133,121.1)" > < p > Parents of children joining the sacrament are increasingly complaining about prices that have reached the level of weddings. Renting a room, paying for catering, decorations and additional attractions is an expense for many families, which & oacute; ry can strongly charge the home budget.
< P >The biggest financial burden is the organization of a communion party in a restaurant, where prices & AMP; BDQUO; Plates & AMP; RDQUO; They are record -breaking. Parents on social forums exchange information and bring prices in R & Amp; Oacutene cities. In Warsaw, the cost of organizing dinner in a restaurant is from PLN 200 to 250 per person, in Łódź from 190 PLN, and in Krakow reaches PLN 280 for dinner with an appetizer and dessert, with an additional cold board costs up to PLN 115 per person. In Silesia, prices range from 150 to 300 PLN, in Bydgoszcz, parents pay an average of PLN 200, and in Tarnów G & Oacute; Rachs a year ago it was PLN 290. In some & Oacutene restaurants, additional fees are added to the cost of & oacute; for an animator 'oacute; in, decorations or special menu for children, informs business info.< P >Although the prices are record high, the majority of the parent & oacute; in decide to organize communion in a restaurant. Admission at home is becoming a less popular solution. According to parents, the organization of meals & in a dozen or several dozen people & oacute; b requires a lot of effort, and renting a room with service avoids additional stress. However, there are also those who decide to save. One of the Internet users shared the idea to organize communion in a village common room. & AMP; BDQUO; The cook gave us a list of purchase & oacute; and for cooking takes PLN 40 per person. No dinner, because it is not a wedding & rdquo; & ndash; wrote.
< P >Epartment & oacute; cz itself is also reached by other expenses, which the & oacute; re together make up a very high amount. Parents must take care of the appropriate pond for a child, often buying special dresses, suits, shoes and accessories. In addition, there are gifts for a priest, catechist, flowers to the church, as well as gifts for godparents or guests. Photographers, cameramen and animators for children are more and more often rented for communion, and the boring of inflatables & oacute; in jumping has become a popular addition. There is also a parent & oacute; in which they order special floral decorations, which in 2024 oscillated between 300 and 1000 PLN.
< p > more and more people & oacute; b draws attention to the fact that the prices of communion already resemble expenses related to the organization of the wedding. & AMP; BDQUO; I paid PLN 190 for my wedding for two days, and now this is how much dinner for communion & rdquo; & ndash; One of the Facebook users wrote. It shows how much admission prices have increased in recent years.
< p > some & re; re; which the budget does not allow the organization of a lavish dinner, decide on more modest solutions. Home parties are becoming more and more popular, but this is still a minority. Most parent & oacute; in wants communion to be a special day, and organizing dinner in a restaurant seems to be the easiest way to prepare it.
< p > one is certain & ndash; Communion in 2025 is a huge financial challenge for many families. High costs can make some & oacutene to more modest parties, but there are still plenty of those who are ready to spend several thousand zlotys for one day. Will the future bring changes in the approach to the organization of communion ? or maybe prices will increase even more ~ 63 ~ we will find out in the coming years.
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