Categories: Enterteiment

The Last of Us: finally a release window for season 2

A few days away Barely after being revealed with its first two official images, the highly anticipated season 2 ofThe Last of Us finally offers an exit window. We tell you everything!

The Last of us, HBO's phenomenal series

Launched with fanfare in January 2023,  The Last of Uswas a winning bet for the cable channel HBO. Although the series did not reach the impressive audience records ofHouse of the Dragon a few months earlier,it was widely acclaimed. warmly received by the press and a large part of the public, despite the accusations of wokism that we have read here and there. Despite Despite some obvious flaws, such as too few infected people, the series completely respects the spirit of the game it adapts. But could it be otherwise, when one of its showrunners, Neil Druckmann, is the creator of the license?

Face à agrave; Following the reception of the series, HBO quickly decided to change its position. to produce a second season, adaptingThe Last of Us Part II. The video game, which was sacred GOTY of the year 2020, offered a revenge story of unprecedented violence and emotionally exhausting. If the legendary channel from the Warner group manages to achieve adapt it properly, there is no doubt that the next season will have a lasting impact on spectators.

When will season 2 of The Last of Us be released?

Announced for 2025, the season 2 ofThe Last of Usjoins an already existing schedule very busy for HBO, already marked by the return of the cardboardEuphoria, but also byWelcome to Derry– the prequel series of Ça by Stephen King – and especially by A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, the next spin-off of Game of Thrones adapting the Knight's Chronicles Wanderingby George R.R. Martin and whose events will take place 90 years before the events of the parent series. The very serious media AmericanDeadlinetells us today that season 2 ofThe Last of Us will be released in the first half of 2025.

If a trailer this fall should give us more information on this subject, we can expect a launch between March and April 2025. Indeed, the filming is supposed to take place between March and April 2025. will end next September, according to information communicated in November 2023. Counting post-production time, the beginning of spring seems the ideal period to finalize and launch the series.

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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