The information spread by pro-Russian Telegram channels that the Sumy region police detained a soldier of the 95th ODShBr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who allegedly tried to rob a pensioner is a lie.
This was reported on Facebook by the press service of the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security at the ICSC, Ukrinform reports.
«In fact: the Sumy region police reported an attempted robbery and threats to an elderly resident of the region, but there was no mention of the «criminal from the 95th ODShBr» in this publication, the fact-checkers VoxCheck write. Thus, in the original post, the police did not specify details about the detainee, but only his age», – the press service informed.
According to the Center for Strategic Communications, the publication dates of the post do not match: the original was published on December 18, while the fake one – December 24.
«That is, the information that the attacker is a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was invented by the fakers and added to the original text of the news», – the message says.
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