F.Froger/Z9 Cheng Xiaolin, deputy director of the France China Center for Chinese Medicine (CFCMC)
In Paris, the 21st World Congress of Chinese Medicine, organized by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, will be held on October 25 and 26, 2024, at UNESCO headquarters. A congress coordinated by the France-China Center for Chinese Medicine (CFCMC), with the support of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China. This congress is a key event for the dissemination and exchange of knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
The theme of this edition is “To encourage exchanges between Eastern and Western civilizations in order to spread Chinese Medicine worldwide”. Experts from all continents will gather in conferences and workshops covering many fields of research, from pediatrics to dermatology, internal diseases, but also from Qigong to acupuncture.
On October 25, thematic speeches and academic reports will take place at UNESCO, as well as the launching ceremony of a Museum of Chinese Medicine followed by a gala dinner. On October 26, forums and workshops will continue, as well as a trade fair dedicated to Chinese medicine and pharmacopoeia.
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