Since the beginning of 2024, Telegram has blocked more than 15 million channels and groups. The messenger's management published this data in a special section of its official website dedicated to moderation.
According to data on December 11, service representatives deleted 15,373,034 channels and groups. On the Telegram website, you can see statistics for every day of the year. For example, the peak of blocking, 224,011 cases, was recorded on March 23.
Telegram noted that tens of thousands of groups and channels are blocked every day. Moderators also remove “millions of pieces of content”, which violates the site rules. In particular, it is about materials related to incitement to violence, child abuse and trade in prohibited goods. Since 2015, the messenger has been monitoring such content not only with the help of user reports, but also thanks to “proactive monitoring based on machine learning”. At the beginning of 2024, AI technologies were added to this.
According to the Telegram management, in 2024 the platform deleted almost 702 thousand groups related to sexual violence against children. 129,000 were also blocked. communities associated with terrorism. In addition, moderators removed more than 100 million items of content related to this topic.
Representatives of the messenger added that you can complain about prohibited content in any Telegram application. For example, on Android, for this you need to click on the message and select “Complain”, and on iOS – hold your finger first. After that, you need to choose the reason for the complaint, if you wish, you can also write a comment. In addition, the @SearchReport bot can be used to report search queries that can be used to find illegal content.
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