A number of Ukrainian universities have imposed restrictions on the use of the Telegram messenger among employees. In some cases, the ban applies to discussing the educational process, installing the application on work devices, and even using the messenger on the territory of institutions.
This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to statements from Ukrainian universities.
Yes, from January 1, 2025,the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy has banned the use of the Telegram messenger for educational and official purposes. The corresponding order was signed by the president of the university, Serhiy Kvit.
The ban applies to all students and university employees, who will no longer be able to use Telegram for work communication and the educational process. The exception is the use of the messenger for scientific research. In addition, all accounts and links associated with the university must be deleted.
From November 11, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv has banned the use of Telegram for official purposes. The university rector signed a corresponding order, and access to the messenger via Wi-Fi has already been restricted in dormitories.
The National Aviation University also banned the use of Telegram for official purposes at the end of October. Similar restrictions were introduced by Borys Grinchenko Metropolitan University, where it is prohibited to install Telegram on smartphones and computers of employees, communicate with students through it, and use it for data transfer.
At The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv from November 1, employees were obliged to completely abandon the use of the messenger in their work, replacing it with other platforms.
Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovych received recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science back in October 2024, after which issued an order to restrict Telegram.
Ukrainian Catholic University banned the use of the messenger for communication with applicants, students, graduates and colleagues.
At the same time, Sumy State University has not yet introduced any restrictions on the use of Telegram, but some internal processes have already been transferred to the WhatsApp messenger.
Restrictions on the use of Telegram in educational institutions are related to information security issues, as noted in letters from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Recall that in October 2024 it was announced that the Verkhovna Rada would restrict the use of Telegram for employees of its staff, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. However, these restrictions will not apply to personal use of the messenger. The issue of banning Telegram is also being actively discussed at the regional level.
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