My wife believes that everything in life must come through hard work, trials, and suffering. She will never take the easy way out, she will always choose the hardest thing.
For example, when a new, young boss came to work, I told my wife to come to her office more often, talk about all kinds of women's topics, and go to karaoke with her every Friday, to which she invited everyone.
“Yes, I have nothing else to do!” my wife replied. “I hate karaoke. And on Friday nights I want to get home as soon as possible and go to bed early.”
“You don't want a promotion? 0 I asked. “Don't you understand that this is the fastest way?
“I'm disgusted by such methods,” Sabina said.
The pregnancy was a surprise to us, albeit a pleasant one. But still, when you're both in your forties, it's harder to cope with a baby than when you were younger.
-You're always at work! – she said – You leave early and come back late. I'm going crazy here alone!
-Do you want me to change jobs? – I asked.
-Yes! – my wife replied. – So that you have a flexible schedule and can help me.
-And that the salary wouldn't be lower than before? – I asked.
-Of course! – my wife snorted.
-Okay, we'll do it – I promised cheerfully. I decided to look for something more convenient. I browsed websites, looked at job offers in various areas, not limiting myself in any way. One day I came across an unusual vacancy. The job was remote, the schedule was free. The most important thing was to spend at least eight hours a day there. The salary is decent. And I was supposed to test computer games. That is, just sit and play games, and then write reports on the pros and cons.
I've actually been a gamer for a long time. I just didn't think I could make money from it. So I thought it was a scam. But I still sent my application. I got a response, they asked me to fill out a questionnaire, and then they invited me to an online interview. I passed it successfully, everything seemed very realistic. So I got the job, and although it sounds like a dream job, it's not that easy. Playing for fun and playing for work are different. In the latter case, you have to pay attention to all the details, go through the same places several times, try different modes, and so on, but I don't complain. The job is just right.
The salary is good, I'm at home all the time and help my wife with the baby. Sabina, however, is not happy. She doesn't see it as a real job, comparing it to her friends' husbands' jobs.
-All my friends' husbands work in factories, are doctors, lawyers, or go abroad to earn money. And you do something stupid!
I'm tired of her complaints. I think she just likes to suffer. She's the one who doesn't want to make her life easier. Before, she just enjoyed the pain of carrying a child alone, and now she's unhappy that I'm doing so well and not suffering, unlike her, but also earning money and not struggling like a horse. My wife seems to be just jealous that I have it so easy.
Take a look: Kuba Badach talked about difficult experiences. “I thought this was the last concert in my life”
Don't miss: This is what Holecka once said about the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Now she is to be persecuted
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