I looked after her all my life. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/7e7932/620x0/1/0/2025/02/10/vlvcuzgezpn0funocbrlsvpbg7tqe1szafsa1p.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (136,128,115.1)" > < p > We grew up together, but I always felt that something r & oacute; I was older, more responsible, quiet and cautious. She & ndash; Carefree, smiling, always surrounded by people. My parents said that I had to look after her, because it was & ampquo; only younger sister &
< p > I looked after her all my life.
< p > and that's why I let her take everything. < P >< Strong > work < p >< br /> I was proud of what I achieved. After years of effort, I got my dream job in a company that knew everyone in the industry. I was good at what I did, the boss valued me, the coat of & icute; < p > and then one day it came.< p > — You could help & cep; cef; 63 ~ you know, it's so hard to get anywhere to get & hellip;
< p > I wanted a pom & oacute; c. She was my sister.
< p > I arranged her interview, I helped prepare for the test & oacute; in, I whispered a good word at the manager. < P >Accepted her. < p > At first she was grateful. We went to lunch together, I supported her when something was going wrong. But then she began to change. < p > — You know, you must be more open to people — One day M & Amp; Oacute; & Amp; MDASH; Maybe that's why you won't really advance. < p > I felt a prick.< p > and then I noticed that he was talking to the boss more often. That colleagues from work began to spend more time with her than with me.
< p > until one day, when I entered the office, the boss asked me for an interview.
< p > — We must make some changes. Julia will take over your duties, and for you & Hellip; C & oacute; Ż, we will have to look for another place. < p > I went out with emptiness in my heart.< p > took my work.
< p > and when PR & oacute; I binded to call her, she did not answer. < P >< Strong >Friends < p >< br /> & mdash; Don't worry, we are with you — Marta Marta, my best friends, when I lost my job.< p > only that later she didn't have time for me more and more often.
< p > — I was already with Julia. Maybe another time ?
< p > — Julia M & Amp; Oacute; you were exaggerating a bit with this situation. It may let go of ?
< p > My friends, my friends & oacute; łki & hellip; Suddenly they were all on her side.
< p > I was alone.< P >< Strong > Husband
< p >< br /> & mdash; Don't overdo it, it's your sister. It's good that he has a better job — m & oacute; m & oacute; when in the evenings I told him what was going on.< p > — She does it specially — I answered. & Amp; MDASH; First work, now friends & hellip;
< p > — Maybe you are oversensitive ?
< p > I sighed and I didn't m & oacute; I had nothing more.
< p > and then I started noticing that he is getting out more and more. That he spends more time on the phone.< p > until finally, one day, when I was home before, I saw her.
< p > sat in our salon, on my couch, with my husband. < p > — It's not like you think & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; he started. < p > but I already knew.< p > sister, which I trusted my whole life, who always wanted to be like me & & & hellip;
< p > Now it has become me.
< p > took me everything. < p > I looked at them and felt something in me. < p > and then I just turned on and I went out and left. < p > because nothing more left.
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