Finally I could breathe. < img src = "" alt = "from life taken." Quot; my husband was a despot & quot; styles = "background-color: rgba (126,124,91.0)" > < p > I lived in the shadow of my husband for years. Adam was strong, firm, but over time this force turned into control, and the control & ndash; in tyranny. Nothing could happen without his consent. I was to be the perfect wife & ndash; smiling, obedient, quiet.
< p > For years I agreed to all this, thinking that this is what marriage looks like. That this is my role. That it will change someday. But it has never changed.
< p > When he died, I didn't feel what my wife should feel. There was no regret in me, longing, a sense of loss.< P >There was relief.
< p > I could finally breathe. < p > For the first time in years no one m & oacute; how to dress, what should I cook, who I can talk to. I felt free. < p > I thought that now my life would start again.< p > but then the war began. Not with her husband. With our C & Amp; Oacute; RKI.
< p > Julia has always been this & ampquo; his & rdquo;. The eye in his head, his pride, his little soldier. He raised her his own way & Amp; Ndash; harsh, ruthless, with the conviction that he was always right.< p > and when it was missing, she took over his role.
< p > — I will not let you live like that, Mom & AMP; MDASH; she said kt & oacute; reel, standing in my living room with her hands on the hips.
< p > — Like ?< p > — Like a free woman. Father would not want it.
< p > I shuddered.< p > — Julia, the father is gone.
< p > — But I am And I will not let you destroy what he built. < p > suddenly in my own home I became an intruder.< p > began to control me. She looked into my accounts & oacute; in, she checked what I spend money on. When the pr & oacute; I was to change something at home & ndash; objected.
< p > — You can't change anything. This house belongs to the father. < p > — No, Julia. This house belongs to me. < p > looked at me with contempt, with the same cold eyes, which I saw her father for years.< p > — You do not understand ? you belong to your father.
< p > then I felt fear.
< p > m & oacute; Jeus was not alive.< p > but his spirit was still here.
< p > in the body of my c & oacute; rki.
< p > and he did not intend to release me.
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