Categories: Enterteiment

Taken from life. “My husband wants me to move to his hometown”: he says that we have a duty to help his parents

When I got married, I thought I was starting my life, which would be ours – common, new, full of compromises. < img src = "" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (149,139,114.1)" > < p > but every day since we became married, I felt more and more clearly that I was just an addition to his plan.

< p > and this plan did not include me & hellip; only his parent & oacute; in, his family home, his village.

< p > — We must move — He said suddenly at dinner, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

< p > — Carry out & Hellip; where ? — I asked, although I felt the answer.

< p > — To my mother. I need help. Dad can't do it anymore. And this is our duty. < p > our duty ?

< P > Do I ride a village, field and chickens ?

< p > It was not about the place.

< p > I'm not of those who & oacute; they despise a simple life.

< p > but nobody asked me if I wanted it.

< P >Nobody asked if I was ready to give up work, friends & ł, everyday life, which & oacute; I barely built myself.

< p > because he has already made the decision.

< p > — It's just a few years. Then we can be & oacute; cić.

< p > Only that I do not want to wait until my life passes between planting potato & oacute; in cooking soup for my mother -in -law.

< p > We started Kłu & Amp; Oacute; Cić. < p > day after day.

< p > I cried, he was silent.

< p > or m & oacute; wind:

< p > — I don't meet you. I thought you were a woman with values.

< p > then I understood that in his opinion love is that I subordinate myself.

< p > and my & ampquo; no & rdquo; means egoism. < p > I went there.

< p > for one day.

< p > small, stuffy house.

< p > mother -in -law, who looked at me and said:

< p > — You are finally coming back. Here is your place.

< p > not ours at all.

< p > his.

< p > I was always only & my son's wife < p > and never more.

< p > in the evening I looked into his eyes.

< p > — I will not move there.

< p > — So you will leave me alone with all this ?

< p > — NO. But I will not let you take my life, which we did not build a good time.

< p > because marriage is not a dedication of one person for the convenience of the other.

~ P > this is the road, not moving one way.

< p > today we are on the bend.

< p > maybe he will go away.

< p > maybe it will.

< p > but I know one thing:

< p > I didn't get married to forget who I am.

< p > and I will not serve anyone just because & so you need &
Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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