When I got married, I thought I was starting my life, which would be ours – common, new, full of compromises. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/ad0cd7/620x0/1/0/2025/03/24/hpqjvedvkzefgnvgcy5ogi5ogi4h2nfh09PGQgcbubh.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (149,139,114.1)" > < p > but every day since we became married, I felt more and more clearly that I was just an addition to his plan.
< p > and this plan did not include me & hellip; only his parent & oacute; in, his family home, his village.
< p > — We must move — He said suddenly at dinner, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.< p > — Carry out & Hellip; where ? — I asked, although I felt the answer.
< p > — To my mother. I need help. Dad can't do it anymore. And this is our duty. < p > our duty ?< P > Do I ride a village, field and chickens ?
< p > It was not about the place.
< p > I'm not of those who & oacute; they despise a simple life.< p > but nobody asked me if I wanted it.
< P >Nobody asked if I was ready to give up work, friends & ł, everyday life, which & oacute; I barely built myself.
< p > because he has already made the decision.
< p > — It's just a few years. Then we can be & oacute; cić.
< p > Only that I do not want to wait until my life passes between planting potato & oacute; in cooking soup for my mother -in -law.
< p > We started Kłu & Amp; Oacute; Cić. < p > day after day.< p > I cried, he was silent.
< p > or m & oacute; wind:
< p > — I don't meet you. I thought you were a woman with values.
< p > then I understood that in his opinion love is that I subordinate myself.
< p > and my & ampquo; no & rdquo; means egoism. < p > I went there.< p > for one day.
< p > small, stuffy house.< p > mother -in -law, who looked at me and said:
< p > — You are finally coming back. Here is your place.
< p > not ours at all.< p > his.
< p > I was always only & my son's wife < p > and never more.< p > in the evening I looked into his eyes.
< p > — I will not move there.
< p > — So you will leave me alone with all this ?
< p > — NO. But I will not let you take my life, which we did not build a good time.
< p > because marriage is not a dedication of one person for the convenience of the other.
~ P > this is the road, not moving one way.
< p > today we are on the bend.
< p > maybe he will go away.
< p > maybe it will.
< p > but I know one thing:< p > I didn't get married to forget who I am.
< p > and I will not serve anyone just because & so you need &< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/7a/6F/IB-FR8O6Q5NB_0DF4A499.jpg" Alt = "New Marine Technologies of China cause anxiety in…
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