– on Saturday you will come to the plot, truth ? < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/bf11fa/620x0/1/0/2025/03/15/j6f6jzz0tut1rtm3tfgjibqsifz7pnojyl1fet.jpg" alt = "plot @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (138,122,98.0.98)" > < p > I heard the same tone as always. Not a question, just waiting.
< p > I sighed.< p > — Mom, I had other plans & hellip;
< p > — But it's for you! & Amp; MDASH; She was indignant. & Amp; MDASH; You will do something in the ice, and then you will get fruit and vegetables for free!
< p > for free.< p > This is a word that has been repeated for years. ~ 60 > < p > I don't know when it started.
< p > maybe when dad was still alive and treated the plot as their small kr & oacute;
< p > Maybe when my mother was alone and needed someone who would work for her.
< p > but one thing was certain.
< p > It was not about love for nature.< p > It was not about relaxation.
< p > It was a free workforce.
< p > I came there regularly.
< P >I pulled out weeds, planted, watering.< p > I transferred a bucket of potato & oacute; w, cherries, strawberries, raspberries.
< p > I returned home dirty, tired, sore.
< p > and then my mother proudly handed me a basket with vegetables.
< p > — See ? For free! < p > but one day, tired and frustrated, I decided to count how much it costs. < p > — Mom, you know how many hours I spent on this plot ?< p > — Oh, it's for you & hellip;
< p > — For me ? And if I had to pay someone for such a job ?
< p > I started calculating.
< p > — Digging land & ndash; PLN 50 per hour. < p > — Planting & ndash; PLN 30. < p > — Pleurning and care & AMP; NDASH; PLN 40. < p > — Harvest & ndash; at least PLN 25 per hour. < p > Mama fell silent. < p > looked at me as if she didn't understand.< p > — And so what ?
< p > — It is because your & ampquo; free & rdquo; Vegetables cost me hundreds of working hours.
< p > — But & hellip; It's a family!
< p > — And the family is slaves ?< p > Nie m & oacute; we were winding up for each other for several days.
< p > Mama was offended.
< p > I felt like I was just breaking something that was hanging on a thin thread. < p > but I knew one. < p > I will never give myself a wm & oacute; that something is & bdquo; for free & < p > because nothing in life is really free.< p > especially if it costs time, health and self -respect.
< p >< br />< strong > It may also interest you: how to care for raspberries in spring to increase yields. This proven way & oacute; b works reliably
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