It was supposed to be a love I have never known before. < img src = "" alt = "from life taken." I left my husband for my lover & quot;: Only later I understood what mistake I made " styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > stormy, crazy, forbidden.
< p > When Michał appeared in my life, the world suddenly shuddered.
< p > m & oacute; Jer, Paweł, was good. Sensitive. Stable. But & hellip; predictable. < p > after fifteen years of marriage I felt that I went out. < p > and then he appeared. < p > Michał was different. < p > m & oacute; that I was beautiful, that I deserve more.< p > that he sees something in me that no one else sees.
< p > Zawr & oacute; I was so easy in my head that I did not recognize myself.
< p > I started lying.
< p > find & oacute; wki.< p > slip out of the house like a teenager.
< p > until I finally told Paweł:
< p > — I'm leaving. I love someone else.
< p > did not cry.< p > just looked at me with his sad eyes and said:
< p > — I hope you will not regret someday.
< p > At the beginning I was convinced that I won my life.< p > I lived with Michał.
< p > everything was exciting. Other.
< p > but after a few weeks this spell was broken< p > The small Klie began.
< p > then longer silence.< p > I finally saw that I was not in anyone's arms & ndash; only in the trap of illusions.
< p > Michał was not sensitive.< p > was jealous, controlling.
< p > He was not interested in my children, my affairs, my emotions.
< p > wanted me & ndash; but only when I was his decoration.
< p > not a partner.
< p > not a woman with the past.
< p > only the trophy, which he got bored of him over time.
One evening Wr & Amp; Oacute; & oacute; Żn. < p > with the perfumes of another woman on clothes.
< p > — You are no longer as unique as I thought — threw cold.
< p > and then, for the first time, I understood. < p > I left love for illusion.< p > I called Paweł.
< p > not to ask for a return < P > Simply & Hellip; I wanted to hear his voice. < p > on the other side there was silence.< p > and then only one sentence:
< p > — I will always wish you well. But I have already learned to live without you.
< p > I hung up with tears in my eyes.< p > not because he did not accept me back.
< p > but because I lost something that was true. < p > for something that was only a moment.< p > today I know that the biggest mistakes in life are those who are making & re; confusing passion with love.
< p > because the real one does not scream, he does not promise a miracle & oacute; w.
< p > she just is.
< p > but I have already lost her. Forever. < p > This may also interest you:< p > see, as we wrote about in recent days:
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