I left when they were small. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/eb1a0d/620x0/1/0/2025/03/28/nbqcgoqevuz6mn96jhkqvhdsgfprfcyx5xom2nj0.jpg" alt = "old lady @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (178,154,156,1)" > < p > Son still hurt a milk tooth, C & oacute; Rka was afraid of darkness.
< p > they cried when I got on the bus. I also cried — only p & oacute; in silence, with the face of the reverse to the glass.< p > I didn't do it for myself. Not to explore the world.
< p > I went abroad to clean someone else's homes so that my children have their own. < p > It was not easy. I worked 12 hours a day. I was dreaming in winter, in the summer I fainted with hot. I sent each zloty & oacute;< P >For shoes, for notebooks, for medicines, for tutoring. I knew their voices from the phone & oacute; in and photos from the news. I wasn't at their first performances, but I was with every payment. I did not read the fairy tales to sleep, but I paid bills so that they did not have to fall asleep in the cold.
< p > I believed that they would understand it someday.< p > that when they grow up, they say: & mum, you did everything you could. “& Amp;
< p > But when I was permanently after twenty years, I heard:
< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; You weren't with us when we needed you the most. “&
< p > I froze. Not because they were wrong. Just because they did not see my empty holidays, lonely birthday and quiet evening & oacute; in a foreign country.
< p > they did not see how I was counting every coin in a foreign language. How I kept their photos in the wallet instead of my dreams.
< p > Now they have their families. They are doing well. Have apartments, cars, children.
< p > I have a pension, old room & oacute; j and memories, which I can't show anyone. Because for them I am the one who has always been far away from the & razute; ra & And I have never been further than their needs.< p > sometimes they call. Politely, kr & oacute; tko, as if with duty. Sometimes they ask: & ampquo; mum, why so rarely m & oacute; wisz, what are you ? &
< p > and I don't answer. Because how to explain that everything I had to say, I shouted all my life & ndash; hard work, loneliness and transfers with the signature & lsquo; out of love & rsquo;.
< p > I don't regret that I went.
< p > I only regret that today, when I am close, they are further than ever before.< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/B8/D5/IB-FRD2S67R9_C6FC9316.jpg" Alt = "The technical characteristics < p > in January…
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