Categories: Enterteiment

Taken from life. “After my husband's departure, I began to meet with his brother”: my mother -in -law is outraged by our behavior, but we are young and happy

My husband died suddenly. < img src = "" alt = "funeral @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (57,63,35.1)" > < p > accident. One moment, one bad intersection, one blow that took him forever.

< p > I was alone.

< p > without his touch, without his voice, without life, which we built together.

< p > I did not know how to breathe, how to function in a world where there is no oacute;

< p > and then he appeared.

< p > his brother.

< p > at the funeral he stood next to me when my legs refused to obey.

< p > he wiped my tears, when everyone else just gave me sad eyes and m & oacute; that & bdquo; time heals wounds & rdquo;.

~ P > He was the one who called the oacute; he checked if I had eaten something, whether I left the house, or at least for a moment I broke away from the void, which & oacute; hand left death. < p > and then something changed.

< P >His presence ceased to be just a consolation. < p > became more.

< p > I don't know when we crossed the border exactly.

< p > first touch.

< p > first kiss.

< p > First night, when I didn't feel lonely.

< p > We didn't plan it. < p > but it happened.

< p > We were young.

< p > We were happy.

< p > and then it came.

< p > — It's disgusting — She scored a mother -in -law through the clenched teeth when she learned the truth. & Amp; MDASH; How can you do it for me ?

< p > I looked at her.

< p > in her eyes I saw b & oacute; l, rage, disappointment.

< p > — Mom & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; He started but cut him off with his hand gesture.

< p > — Don't call me yes! & Amp; MDASH; She screamed. & Amp; MDASH; M & oacute; j son did not manage to cool in the grave, and you already & hellip;

< p > broke down and her breath accelerated.

< p > — You betrayed him.

< p > these words pierced me like n & oacute; Ż. < p > Is it betrayal ?

< p > could we still be faithful to someone who was no longer ?

< p > people judged us.

< p > family. Friends. < p > whispering behind the back, looking at us full of disgust. < p > but is love that can be controlled ?

< p > Should we suffer forever, because the world does not understand that the heart does not choose ?

< p > We stayed together.

< p > despite the judgment & oacute; w.

Despite the regret, which & oacute; ry never left us.

< p > because although we were happy, although we were intended ourselves &

< p > His shadow still stood between us.

< p > This may also interest you:

< p > see, as we wrote about in recent days:

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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