Categories: Enterteiment

Spider-Man: this violent anthology about Peter Parker would make a captivating film

All superheroes have a dark side, and Peter Parker is no exception. Marvel has just announced the upcoming release of aviolent anthology focused on Marvel's past. from Spider-Man, while he is dressed in his famous black costume. This new plot is very dark in nature. where the symbiote mixes would be very stylish in a film adaptation!

a dark Peter Parker with a twist. the poster for Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood

The friendliest spider in New York is popular.From his presence in the MCU in the guise of Tom Holland to the video games of Insomniac Games, including comics and animated films with Miles Morales, Spider-Man is everywhere. You might think that the public would tire of the superhero's adventures, but this is not the case. A correlated success with great diversity of supports and representations of the character. The artists of the Maison des Idées do not hesitate to regularly reinvent the figure of this mythical vigilante, even if it means changing his mind. plunge him into dark adventures that he is not used to. This will be the case for the anthologySpider-Man: Black Suit & Blood, which will offer readers a leap into the past  going towards the side from the post-Secret Wars.


< p>Indeed, Peter Parker will have recovered there. his sadly famous black suit, which we would like to see in the MCU, the use of which increases his strength tenfold, while slowly making him tip over to the evil side. obscure. This anthology of four issues, presented as a celebrating the 40th anniversary of this costume period, is written and drawn by J.M. DeMatteis(Kraven's Last Hunt), Elena Casagrande(Black Widow), J.M. Straczynski and Sumit Kumar (These Savage Shores), as well as Dustin NGuyen (Batman: Streets of Gotham). Expected for August 7, 2024 in English version in the United States, Spider-Man: Black Suit & Bloodwill probably not arrive in France before next year in a translated version.

We would love to see this new colorimetric anthology from Marvel to Sin City (red, white, black) inspire a Spider-Man film. And you, what do you think?

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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