Scientists' alarming scenario. These Polish cities may be underwater.
Although climate change is talked about a lot and often, there is still no shortage of people who are unaware of how big a threat we are dealing with. As indicated by „Super Express”, the huge risk is growing with the rise in sea and ocean levels. The negative effects would not bypass Poland either. Some cities would be flooded. Disturbing predictions of scientists.
Some Polish cities will be flooded
Human activity has a negative impact on our planet, the effects of which we feel more and more often and more intensely. Heatwaves, droughts, dramatic floods, and increasingly strong winds are already taking their toll on us, and according to scientists, it will only get worse. The forecasts for 2050 are even more terrifying.
Experts from Climate Central have released a special map that allows you to see which towns may be underwater in 2050. The problems will not bypass cities in our country. As the daily indicates, the most vulnerable to flooding are towns located on the Baltic Sea, such as Gdańsk, Stegna, Szczecin, or Sztutowo.
Unfortunately, climate change may also affect towns located in Warmia and Mazury. Flooding of Elbląg, Frombork, or Braniewo cannot be ruled out.
Many towns will disappear under water
The rise in water levels will affect the entire world. Climate Central's analysis indicates that such famous cities in the world as Tokyo, Shanghai, New Orleans, Venice, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Alexandria, and Miami will disappear under the water.
The situation is dramatic, which scientists do not hide. Many of them are alarming that the warmest decade is behind us, and last year was the warmest in the history of measurements.
„Today I can officially announce that we have just experienced a decade of deadly heat. The ten hottest years on record have occurred in the last ten years, including in 2024,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres, quoted by Interia. He appealed to us to do everything to get off the „path to ruin.
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