The Security Service of Ukraine has stopped the activities of 5 pro-Kremlin agitators who were operating in different regions of Ukraine. Three of them were detained, two have already received real terms of imprisonment.
Two agitators were detained in Donetsk region who supported the Russian military on the Russian social network “Odnoklassniki”. One of them is a resident of Mirnograd, who was waiting for the occupiers and discrediting Ukrainian soldiers. The second is from Rodynske, called for the capture of the region and the disarmament of Ukraine.
A man from Pervomaysk was detained in Mykolaiv Oblast, who campaigned for a coup and the capture of state institutions. He used his YouTube and Facebook accounts, where he had an audience of over 10,000 users.
In Cherkasy Oblast, a woman received 5 years in prison for creating dozens of profiles on social networks, which she “secretly” created for her acquaintances. On these profiles, she campaigned for Putin and the seizure of Ukrainian territories.
In Khmelnytskyi, a local resident received 5 years in prison for spreading Kremlin propaganda on the banned social network “Vkontakte”, including videos in support of Ramzan Kadyrov.
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