There is a certain category of women who seem to be buttoned up all the time: straight back, hairdo, well-groomed face and stylish clothes at all times of the day.
Like heiresses of the English royal family, no less! And I always wondered what it was all about? For the sake of the husband? But if he doesn't love and appreciate his wife for who she is, then no amount of tricks will help. I keep wanting to tell women like that it's time to relax and live life to the fullest.
I fell in love with Sławek because I don't have to pretend with him. We met at my first job, at a company party: we bumped into each other by accident, and I spilled red wine on my blue dress. So what? It was a tragedy! I took the fluffy, shiny garland off the Christmas tree and simply tied it around my chest, covering the stain. My husband says that I won him over with this lightness and simplicity in my approach to various everyday matters.
Now we have two wonderful daughters and everything is fine. The only person who has been bothered by my carefree attitude and our overall family happiness all these years is my husband's mother. I should note that Maria is my complete opposite. At almost 67, my husband's mother still wears high heels, has her hair done and can't seem to take out the trash without her lips painted.
I prefer to be natural both in my everyday life and in public. My make-up is always modest, I dress in comfortable clothes and I haven't worn heels in seven years. And I feel great! And while my mother-in-law had previously only grumbled, she now went on the offensive.
She asked me if I had noticed a significant increase in weight. I replied that yes, it was normal after having children, and my husband was happy with what he had at home anyway.
– My dear, I don't want to upset you, but whatever your generation comes up with in their heads, you can't change reality. Men will always be men and they will choose slim and beautiful women. Generally speaking, if you don't want to lose your husband, you won't walk around the house in his baggy T-shirts and that awful dressing gown. Get a grip! It's just unpleasant to watch! – my mother-in-law grimaced.
Of course I couldn't tolerate such insults and told that dried-up hag everything I thought about her persistent desire to look young even in retirement.
– Working on yourself knows neither age nor days off. You can't understand it. But I know for sure that my husband has never cheated on me.
– How can you be sure of that, walking around so slovenly? I recently saw Sławek in the company of a young girl. He said that she was his friend. Well, think about it, the man's mother smiled like a snake and walked away.
I just couldn't find my place after that conversation. My mother-in-law knows how to get under my skin! No, I'm a hundred percent sure about Sławek. If I start to doubt him, there'll be no turning back. That witch could have been lying to hurt me! I am not so naive as to not understand that time passes and feelings become a little dull.
My husband and I have been together for over ten years, and that is a long time. That is why I think that Sławek, of course, can look at someone and even flirt a little, but he will never cheat on me. We have two daughters! I do not agree with my mother-in-law at all.
Don't miss: Ryszard Kotys and Kamila Sammler-Kotys were controversial. It was about 26 years of age difference
Take a look: Karol Nawrocki hits on Rafał Trzaskowski. It's unbelievable how he called him
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