My husband and I live in the center of the province. Our daughter Maja, a university student, lives in another city.
She is a smart and beautiful girl, has a good job, but for a long time she couldn't find a husband. One day she came to visit us and met her future husband at a village disco. Rafał ended up with us by accident: a friend invited him to our quiet corner to relax. Rafał lived in the same city as Marysia, so they immediately agreed to meet there.
Their relationship developed quickly: six months later they were engaged. Then the matchmakers came to visit us. They really liked our town: it was beautiful, clean, quiet. They didn't want to leave. A few months later our children got married, and a year later Kasia was born.
In the meantime, the matchmakers, after visiting us a few more times, decided to move to our village. The matchmaker, Aniela, had just retired, and her husband, Tadeusz, had long since taken a long vacation. They were looking for a house with a good plot of land. They sold their apartment in the city to buy a house here, but the prices of houses and apartments vary greatly.
We lived in a cottage in the village, with a plot of land adjacent to it. But we didn't use it, because we weren't gardeners. My matchmaker spent her time in the garden from spring to autumn. We have enough to worry about without a garden. That's why my husband and I decided to advise the matchmakers on choosing a house and offered them our plot of land to use – let them plant whatever they wanted and share the harvest with us. That was the deal.
This arrangement lasted for many years, until Rafał decided to betray his family. One evening, his son-in-law announced that he wanted a divorce. A few months later, Maja learned from a mutual friend that her husband had been with a woman he had met at work for several years.
My daughter had a very difficult time with the divorce and division of property, to which Rafał did not contribute a penny. The apartment was bought with my and my husband's money, but registered in our daughter's name. He wanted it for himself until the end, but there was nothing he could do.
I also explained the matter of the plot with Aniela when we met by chance at the market. She was buying seedlings and when she saw me, she immediately started explaining to me that she and her husband had nothing to do with their son's decision, so I shouldn't hold it against them. Of course, I didn't blame them for it, but I couldn't remain completely impartial. I asked Aniela to stop using our plot and to return the keys to the gate and gazebo as soon as possible. Aniela refused to acknowledge this, nervously packing tomato, cucumber, pumpkin and bean seedlings into bags.
I repeated my request and went my way. Over time, I forgot about our conversation at the market and that Aniela still had the keys. In mid-May, a neighbor from the plot next door called me to say that my former matchmakers had asked her husband if he would cut down the currant bushes. She was surprised because she had not heard anything about it directly from us. When my husband and I arrived at the site, the matchmakers were already digging up the first plots for seedlings.
My husband and I threatened the police when they refused to leave our land. We had a hard time getting rid of them because they brazenly thought we would let them use our property after what their son had done…
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