I broke up with my husband five years ago. I can't say that the breakup was painless.
I cried and cursed because my husband left for his mistress. My son was three years old then. At first he didn't understand why his father wasn't living with us anymore and he cried too. But time heals wounds. Both my son and I calmed down. What's more, my ex-husband was a good financial support, he took our son to his place on weekends.
There was no question of getting back together. My rival turned out to be very persistent, and my husband was attached to her. And during that time she managed to give birth to two children. But it seemed that I was also blessed with female happiness.
I met a good man. Sebastian worked in a decent company, had a car and his own apartment. He was very serious and positive. And, most importantly, he wasn't married. We had a magical period of candy and bouquets. Sebastian gave me my favorite roses, invited me to expensive restaurants and said the words that every woman wants to hear.
I melted and believed in love again. Sebastian knew about my failed marriage. He started coming to our apartment, and I introduced him to Daniel. Sebastian said that Daniel was a very smart and well-mannered child. His words were like balm to my soul. I thought that my son would have a father. Even if not your own, it is permanent, not Sunday.
After all, a boy needs a male role model in the family. Sebastian seemed perfect to me. And then it was Daniel's birthday. That day I cooked delicious food, set the table, and invited his classmates. The kids had a great time. Sebastian was supposed to come in the evening. He knew it was my son's birthday. So he came as if nothing had happened, kissed me, handed me another bouquet, and went to the kitchen.
Daniel was there, his friends had already left. My son still wanted the cake after the feast, and he was sitting there eating it. “Hi,” Sebastian said. He asked how the cake tasted, and when Daniel said yes, because it was his birthday cake, Sebastian nodded indifferently. And that was it!
He didn't say another word. Not to mention the gift. My child clearly expected at least the simplest gift from his nice uncle Sebastian. His eyes showed surprise and hurt. He left the kitchen without finishing the cake, but I decided to comment on it anyway.
I said that he could have at least given my son a small gift for his birthday, to which Sebastian replied that he brings presents for me, but he doesn't have to do that for my son. I felt hurt, after all I thought that we were slowly starting to create a family, that Sebastian treats Daniel like his own son… I don't know what to do now, because Daniel shouldn't be treated like a stranger.
Don't miss: Zbigniew Ziobro's hearing by the Pegasus Commission. The case could drag on for months
Take a look: Maria Kurowska posted this in defense of Zbigniew Ziobro. The photos became a hit
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