Telegram's unwillingness to send the necessary information to regulatory authorities and supervisory organizations led to the detention of Pavel Durov in France. After that, there was already a statement that the service's policy would change, but how exactly, it became known only now.
One of the 12 charges that were brought against Pavel Durov in France is complicity in the distribution of sexual materials.
And the first announced step in the messenger's policy – cooperation with the human rights organization IWF (International Watch Foundation), to reduce the number of materials with sexual violence against children in the messenger. This international organization detects and counteracts such cases of violence, and also prevents human trafficking, drugs, etc.
The British company IWF cooperates with all well-known messengers and social networks. After the start of cooperation, Durov's messenger will receive special hash files that will block links to prohibited content, including those generated with the participation of AI. Although, according to one of Telegram's executives, the messenger team deleted thousands of gigabytes of such content every month, as it turned out, this was not enough and now cooperation with IWF will significantly strengthen the company's capabilities to protect users from harmful content.
In early autumn, Telegram also announced that it would transfer the IP and registered phone numbers of criminals at the first request of the police.
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