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Named top 4 ways to invent reliable passwords and never forget them

< img src = "/uploads/blogs/d3/f6/ib-f6/ib-f6bga_c6fc9316.jpg" Alt = "Top-4 ways to invent reliable passwords and never forget them"/> ~ ~ ~ ~ < P > Passwords are either too complex & nbsp; & mdash; They are difficult to break, but easy to forget. Or too simple & nbsp; & mdash; You are their memory; rsquo; rd, but you run the risk of data storage. How & nbsp; solve this & nbsp; problem ?

< p > in & nbsp; an era when digital threats develop faster than most people have time for & nbsp; nbsp; they are monitored, weak passwords are one of the greatest risks to safety, with & nbsp; which people and & < p > according to & nbsp; a recent report by Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, a stunning amount of cyberattack & nbsp; & mdash; 81% of the total number of breakdowns & nbsp; & mdash; occurs through fracture or weak passwords.

< p >With increasing dependence on online banking, e-commerce, cloud storage and social networks, users need a reliable strategy for creating passwords that are both reliable and easy to remember & rsquo;

~ > < p > The problem consists of & nbsp; two parts: to create a password that is virtually impossible to break, and to provide it with memorial & rsquo; pumping.

~ < p > People often resort to & nbsp; easily guessed passwords, such as & nbsp; & laquo; 123456 & raquo; or & nbsp; & laquo; password & raquo;, or use the same password on different platforms.

< P > This & nbsp; gold vein for cybercriminals who use attacks with accounting accounting for hacking accounts. However, rely on & nbsp; randomly generated passwords may not be & nbsp; less problematic if users do not & nbsp; have a safe way to obtain them and, most importantly, memorial & rsquo;

< p >The balance between safety and & nbsp; ease of use is key. And here's how & nbsp; you can solve it & nbsp; task.

< h2 id = "h2_part1" > what & nbsp; such a complex password ~ ​​60 ~/h2 > < p >

< P > A reliable password must be resistant to & nbsp; attack by the method of survey, attacks for & nbsp; vocabulary and tactics of social engineering. Cybersecurity experts agree in several basic principles:

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; length means complexity. Password 12 & minus; 16 characters is much more reliable than 8-character, that & nbsp; consists of characters, numbers and uppercase letters.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; avoid common words and phrases. Hackers use large databases of often used passwords and sort their combinations.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; uniqueness matters. If one account is broken, the use of the same password in other places increases losses.

< p >& mdash; & nbsp; use password phrases instead of individual words. A random combination with & nbsp; four or n & rsquo; words of words & nbsp; (eg, & laquo; Blueetacowizardriver & raquo;) harder to break than a short but complex password type & nbsp; & laquo; xr7! gt & raquo;.

< p > but what & nbsp; a more complex password, then & nbsp; lighter to forget it, truth ?

< P > One of the most effective ways of creating and & nbsp; memorial & rsquo; reliable passwords are mnemonics and & nbsp; strategies based on & nbsp; nbsp. These methods provide high entropy & nbsp; & mdash; accident that makes passwords resistant to & nbsp; guess & nbsp; & mdash; and at the same time remain intuitively understandable to the user.

< p >

< h2 id = "h2_part1" > how & nbsp; nbsp; create complex passwords that are easy to remember & Rsquo;

< p >

< p >Consider four methods of creating reliable passwords that are easy to remember & Rsquo; ~

< H3 > Method of the password phrase & nbsp; & mdash; long, unique and & nbsp; such that & nbsp; memorial & rsquo;

< p >

< p > The easiest way to create an indomitable password & nbsp; & mdash; use random but familiar words connected by an unpredictable way.

< P > This method was popularized in & nbsp; the comic book XKCD, which showed that & nbsp; & laquo; correct screwdriver for a horse battery & raquo; much more reliable than too complicated but short password.

< P > To implement this method, perform the following steps:

< p > 1. Choose four or p & rsquo; ryd random words that are not & nbsp; have a logical connection & rsquo; ~

< p >2. Make sure that & nbsp; they are not common phrases & nbsp; (eg, & laquo; ilovenewyork & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; weak; A & nbsp; & laquo; Clotigersalsamoon & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; < p > 3. Use modifications for uniqueness, such as numbers or uppercase letters in & nbsp; unexpected places & nbsp; (& laquo; cl0CKT1Gersalsam00n & raquo;).

~ ~ ~ > < p > 4. If the website requires special characters, insert them naturally, for example & nbsp; & laquo; cl0ck! T1Gersalesa@m00n & raquo;.

~ ~ < p > This method guarantees that & nbsp; your password will be difficult to break and is easy to remember & rsquo; pity.

~ < h3 > The method of sentences & nbsp; & mdash; coding information that is only

< P > A variety of password phrases is to create passwords on & nbsp; the basis of sentences that make sense to you. For example:

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; original offer: & laquo; my first dog I & nbsp; nbsp; nbp; nbsp; 10 years in & nbsp; technical & < p > & mdash; & nbsp; password: & laquo; iadm1stdog@10yoitx & raquo;.

< p >This & nbsp; technique provides a balance between memorial & rsquo; rsquo; piercing and accident, while maintaining high entropy. You & nbsp; can adapt it to different sites by adding unique IDs, for example:

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; for gmail: & laquo; iadm1stdog@10yoitx_gm & raquo;.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; for Amazon: & laquo; iadm1stdog@10yoitx_amz & raquo;.

< p > thus each password will be different from the other while keeping recognition.

< h3 > a trick with keyboard template & nbsp; & mdash; Physical arrangement

< p >

< P > It is easier for some users to remember & Rsquo; to not & nbsp; words or sentences, but & nbsp; keyboard templates. A reliable password based on & nbsp; template, may look as follows:

< p >& mdash; & nbsp; & laquo; 1QAZ2WSX3EDC $ rfv & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; mdash; This is a diagonal movement on & nbsp; keyboard down-left.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; & laquo; pklouj#mnytgbv & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; zigzag movement in different keys.

< p > there is another very popular option & nbsp; & mdash; Dial words in another language & nbsp; (eg, Ukrainian) in & nbsp; English keyboard layout. But you need to understand that & nbsp; this method also requires a & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; & laquo; cunning inserts & raquo;.

~ ~ ~ > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ < P > Due to the use of a pattern known only to you, your passwords remain reliable and at the same time easy to remember & Rsquo; However, this method should be used with & nbsp; care & nbsp; & mdash; Some complex attacks may analyze ordinary keyboard sequences.

< H3 > personalized algorithms & nbsp; & mdash; Setting up for each account by

< p >

< p >Also & nbsp; one advanced method & nbsp; & mdash; Creating a personal algorithm for generating unique passwords for different services. Here's how & nbsp; this & nbsp; works:

< p > 1. Basic password & nbsp; & mdash; Choose a reliable initial password & nbsp; (eg & laquo; Giraffe! $ 2024 & raquo;).

< p > 2. Modifier on & nbsp; based on the site & nbsp; & mdash; Add something specific to each site for & nbsp; help user rule & nbsp; (eg take the last two service letters and add them to & nbsp; middle).

~ ~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; for Facebook: & laquo; Giraffe! FA $ 2024 & raquo;.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; for Instagram: & laquo; Giraffe! In $ 2024 & raquo;.

< p > 3. Change the safety raising periodically.

< p > thus, each password will be unique, but it will be possible to display, not & nbsp; resorting to & nbsp; external storage.

~ < H2 ID = "H2_PART1" >Protect Passwords without harm to convenience

< p >

< P > Even when using these managing strategies, dozens of passwords can be an unbearable task. Here are some of the best practices to help ensure their preservation:

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; use password manager to back up. If you & nbsp; not & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; rsquo; rsquo; rsquo; some passwords such as & nbsp; bitward, 1password or dashlane, are reliably encryption. Not & nbsp; keep your passwords open on & nbsp; your device.

< p > & mdash; & nbsp; enable two -factor authentication & nbsp; (2fa). Reliable password & nbsp; & mdash; This & nbsp; great, but 2fa provides an additional level of security, guaranteeing that & nbsp; even if your password is compromised, access to & nbsp; it will still be limited.

~ ~ ~ < p > & mdash; & nbsp; regularly update passwords. Cybersecurity experts recommend changing passwords at least once on & nbsp; 6 & minus; 12 months, especially for such important accounts as & nbsp; bank accounts and & nbsp; e -mail.

< p > Passwords & nbsp; & mdash; This is & nbsp; constant struggle between convenience and & nbsp; protection. However, using these unmistakable strategies, you & nbsp; nbsp; be able to ensure the safety of your accounts, not & nbsp; resorting to & nbsp; weak or re -used credentials.

~ ~ ~ ~ >

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

Published by
Natasha Kumar

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