Tomasz Jakubiak, a well -known and liked chef, who for years won the hearts of viewers with his passion for cooking, today is fighting for something much more valuable than culinary recognition – for life and health. < img src = " alt = "Tomasz Jakubiak, screen youtube @davidsalazar4175" styles = "background-color: rgba (108,92,81.1)" > < p > cancer diametrically changed his everyday life, but did not take his strength and determination. In the latest post on Instagram, Jakubiak honestly announced that he would have another operation in Israel.
< p >< em > & bdquo; & oacute; rka continues all the time, because I have to go to the next operation to Israel & rdquo; < p > Diagnosis of cancer was a blow for Jakubiak, which & rye; & oacute; his life to g & oacute; ry legs. Thanks to the support of the Fan & Oacute; in and people of good will, it was possible to organize a thug for treatment abroad. It was thanks to this help that he went to a specialist clinic in Israel, where he began therapy. After returning to Poland, he does not stop fighting & ndash; Now the next stage before him: the operation, which & oacute; radom gives hope.< P >In an emotional post, the chef also thank you business partners who do not remain indifferent to the Oacute; < em > & ampquo; thank you that you have always helped me! This is incredibly building and helping. Sometimes I don't have the strength to read all comments (…), but what I read is so nice and real & & amp. confessed.
< p > in your style relieves & oacute; & oacute; in criticism, which appears at his posts. < em > & ampquo; Probably many people & oacute; b will react as always to m & oacute; j entry as for pure advertisement, but please, finally understand that this is the only way today & oacute; b, in which I can thank for what partners do for me & ndash; He explained, emphasizing that currently every support counts.
< P > Jakubiak shows that the fight against the disease is not only medicine & ndash; It is also the strength of the spirit, gratitude and support of others. Although everyday life does not spare his challenges, he does not cease to be himself & ndash; authentic, full of warm man, which & oacute; openness shares his history.
< p > you can still help & oacute; c. Zba & oacute; and every gesture matters. < br />< br />< /p > < p >< blockquote class = "instagram-media" Data-Instgrm-captioned Data-Instgrm-Ppermalink = " Style = " Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); ">Although until recently Sandra Kubicka officially announced parting with Aleksander Baron, reality turns out to…
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