Sun. Jun 30th, 2024

Marvel: this Fantastic 4 actor has a problem with Vin Diesel

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Jun27,2024

The time is clearly for a change in mentality. and attitude on Hollywood shoots. In fact, the capricious stars and other divas of the sets are now singled out. Among the actors already singled out for their toxic attitude is Groot's interpreter, Vin Diesel, who comes to the scene. being made fun of again by one of his new MCU colleagues.

Marvel: this Fantastic 4 actor has a problem with Vin Diesel

Embarrass vs Groot

Vin Diesel’s attitude on set has long been subject to criticism. numerous controversies.There is even an entire 58-minute documentary, viewable for free on YouTube, which shows the toxicity of the drug. relationships that he can establish on a film set:  Fucking Kassovitz – Making of Babylon AD. In recent years, the soap opera of his tense filming relations with The Rockon the Fast and Furious saga was even displayed in publicly on social networks, notably on Twitter/X. The reputation of the man who embodies the dangerous Riddick is no longer at stake. to do so well that now certain actors who have not even filmed yet with him do not even want to associate their names with his.

Marvel: this Fantastic 4 actor has a problem with Vin Diesel

So, while he is currently in full promotion for Vice Versa 2,the actor Paul Walter Hauser, who plays the character of Embarrass, insisted on this. not to be compared &àgrave; Vin Diesel.Paul Walter Hauser, actor on the rise Hollywood, is already known for his respectful attitude on film sets, but also for his commitment to creating a healthier environment on film sets. However, he also has a reputation for not mincing his words. In a recent interview with CinemaBlend, Hauser openly expressed his views on what he thought of Vin Diesel's behavior.

Marvel: this Fantastic 4 actor has a problem with Vin Diesel

Fantastic 4 vs Guardians of the Galaxy

While the journalist who interviewed him drew a parallel between his dubbing work on Vice Versa 2 and that of Diesel on Groot, Paul Walter Hauser interrupted him immediately:

“ Please don't say that! I like to think that I am punctual and friendly. Sorry, I love people, but when I hear stories about well-paid Hollywood actors mistreating others, I constantly call them out. And it’s even a pleasure. »

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we now know that these two actors are now part of the MCU. Indeed, Paul Walter Hauser has just been hired; to play a role still kept secret in Fantastic Four.However, Vin Diesel has played Groot since 2014 (10 years!) in Guardians of the Galaxy, which are also part of the shared universe. from Disney/Marvel. When we know that the next Avengers should bring together more than 60 characters from the saga to the screen,one can only imagine the tense meeting of Paul Walter Hauser and Vin Diesel on the set or the red carpet.

Waiting for more details on his role in Fantastic Four or the next Avengers film, spectators will be able to find Hauser in his many upcoming projects, including thefinal season ofCobra Kai < /em>on Netflix, but also the reboot of the humorous saga Is There a Cop? alongside Liam Neeson.

Marvel: this Fantastic 4 actor has a problem with Vin Diesel

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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