Categories: Enterteiment

Karol Nawrocki hits Rafał Trzaskowski. The words of the presidential candidate caused a lively reaction of the gathered

Karol Nawrocki talked about energy prices. By the way, he hit his main rival. < img src = " alt = "Karol Nawrocki/YouTube @Janusz Jaskółka" styles = "background-color: rgba (126,122,129.1)" > < p > as the portal reminds the portal & ampquo; goniec & rdquo;, candidates in the presidential election continue the election campaign. The detour around Poland is led by Karol Nawrocki, who decided to speak on energy prices. There were references to rivals. Meet the detail < 60 ~/p > < P >< Strong > Karol Nawrocki gun Poland

< P >There is no doubt that the topic of energy prices will be one of the most important in the ongoing presidential campaign. Karol Nawrocki decided to refer to the issue during a meeting with voters. At the same time he referred to his speech of his hungry rival in the race to the Presidential Palace.

< P > & AMP; Bdquo; candidate for the office of the President of the Republic of Poland, Donald Tusk's deputy, Rafał Trzaskowski, the man intended for prosperity, said that electricity prices in Poland are 30 percent smaller than 2 years ago & & & ndash; said Nawrocki. < P > A politician supported by PiS said that the prime minister should write Trzaskowski on a piece of paper that energy prices are currently higher. This attention of Nawrocki has greatly amused the gathered supporters & Oacute; in the head of the Institute of National Remembrance. < P >< blockquote class = "instagram-media" data-instgrm-captionedd data-instgrm-permalink = "" Data-instgrm-version = "12" style = " Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); "> He decided to make up for the Voivodship & Amp; Oacute; in

< p > Karol Nawrocki did not stop there. He decided to return to the & oacute; b, which came to a meeting in Kętrzyn. He asked them if their electricity bills were higher or not ? many gathered confirmed the thesis set by a policy supported by PiS.

< p > Nawrocki also made a promise that many policies & oacute; in that as soon as he arrives in power, the prices of the bill will be lower. & AMP; BDQUO; I am determined and decisive & rdquo; – assured the presidential candidate, indicating that he would do everything to make Poles pay lower bills. < p >< blockquote class = "instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink = " "Data-Instgrm -version =" 12 "style =" Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); "> < P >
Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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Natasha Kumar

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